Luke 24:4-12
And it happened in their hesitation
regarding this thing. And behold! Two men stood near to them in clothing while
flashing like lightning. And after they
became terrified, bending their faces down into the ground, they said to them,
“Why do you all seek the one who lives with the dead ones? He is not here, but He was being raised. Remember as He called out to you all yet
while being in Galilee, saying, “Since it is necessary for the Son of Man to be
handed over into the hands of sinful mankind, to be crucified, and by the third
day to stand up.” And they were remembering
His sayings. And after turning back from the tomb, they reported all these
things to the eleven and to all the remaining ones. And Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary – the one of
James, and the remaining ones were with them.
They were saying to the apostles these things. And these sayings were being shone in their presence
as if idle talk, and they were unbelieving to them. And after Peter stood up he ran upon the tomb
and after stooping over to see he sees only the pieces of linen. And he departed while marveling to himself
the things that has become.
Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
The women continue into the tomb. The stone had been rolled away. As we said yesterday, God opened up the door
for a new ministry that they could not foresee. They become afraid as God opens a new door. They meet God’s messengers who begin to
unveil God’s plan for them. The reality
is that God does open up new doors. He
does send people into our midst to reveal His plan. Sometimes this message does frighten us or
cause us to doubt. This is natural and
important for us to understand. When God
is unveiling His plan to these women, they experience fear and unknown.
When have you experienced God unveiling His plan in your
life? Has that ever caused you to
experience fear of the unknown?
Second Thought:
Once God’s messengers convince the women about the truth of
Jesus, they remember that what they are saying is consistent with Jesus’
words. Jesus had told them that He would
be raised up from the dead after dying.
When the women finally figure it out, they go out and do the work of God
with incredible pleasure. They run to the
other disciples to share God’s Good News.
Their fear of the unknown is quickly replaced with confidence and excitement.
Have you ever been afraid to do something new? Have you ever experienced that fear be
replaced by excitement as you figure out the new thing? What is it in your life that helps the fear
be turned into excitement?
Third Thought:
The women aren’t the only ones who don’t
understand. The women go to the
disciples and share the news. The only
problem is that the disciples doubt.
They don’t understand. They think
the women are just sharing idle gossip.
They struggle to grasp what is going on.
Peter wrestles with it so much that he needs to and see for
himself. He can’t believe the women
until he sees with his own eyes. Then he
is willing to believe.
Have you ever doubted someone who is
telling you good news? Why is it easy to
doubt when people are telling us good things?
for Tomorrow: Luke 24:4-12
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