Luke 20:27-33
And after some of the Sadducees – the ones
who say antagonistically that the resurrection is not to be – interrogated him while
saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote to us that if the brother of someone should die
while having a woman – and this one should be childless –that the brother
should take his woman and he should raise up a seed to his brother. Therefore, there were seven brothers. And after the first takes a woman he died
childless. And the second and the third took her. And similarly also the seven did not leave
behind children and they died. And
subsequently the woman died. Therefore,
the woman – in the resurrection – to which of them does the woman become? For the seven had her as woman.”
Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Here comes another trap.
We can tell that Luke wants us to read this passage as a trap because he
goes out of his way to make sure we understand that the Sadducees teach that
the resurrection is not a real thing.
Yet, they come and ask a question about the resurrection! Luke’s point is clear. People are not above hypocrisy when they want
to be the victor. People will go to all
kinds of lengths, especially saying something to seem as though they believe
the opposite of what they actually believe.
When have you had to deal with the hypocrisy of others? Have you ever had someone assert something
just to get you to respond, only to find out that they actually believed the
opposite of their own assertion? Why
will people do this?
Second Thought:
Furthermore, look at the fact that the Sadducees try to use
God’s Word in their ploy. They bring up
the Law in their attempt to trick Jesus.
Now, there are plenty of ways that the Law can be used. It is absolutely possible that the Law can be
used as a means for us to understand a historical society. The law can be used to teach us how to
behave. The Law can be used to expose
our own sinfulness. The Law can
certainly be used to point us to Christ and our need for Him. However, the Law should not be used in a
deceptive attempt to entrap someone! God’s
Word is not a tool in our hand to accomplish our own devices. God’s Law is a tool in His hand to accomplish
His own will. Just as people will not be
afraid to misuse words to get their way, people will not be afraid to misuse
ideas, teaching, and even objects in unintended ways so long as they are able
to win.
Have you ever seen a person take a thought or idea out of
its context in order to win a point? Why
is this dangerous? Have you ever seen a
person willing to trespass upon the sanctity of something in order to use it
for their own purposed? Why do people do
Third Thought:
Each of these points helps us really
understand the flaw of the Sadducees.
They are focused on the wrong thing.
They want to win. They want to
get rid of Jesus. They want to remain in
power and n control. They want to
dispose of this upstart. Because their
focus is on the wrong thing, they completely miss an opportunity to hear
truth. They aren’t even open to the idea
that the resurrection might just be a real thing. Their own preconceptions cause them to be
blind and closed in mind.
Where do your preconceptions blind
you? Where are you efforts in the
kingdom blocked by the preconceptions of others around you?
for Tomorrow: Luke 20:34-40
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