Luke 18:18
And some ruler asked Him, saying, “After doing what will I
inherit eternal life?”
for Today
First Thought:
We’re going to take a good long look at this portion of
scripture, because I think that this section and the related sections that
follow really have much to say to modern culture, especially modern Western
culture. First, notice that this is a
ruler who asks the question. Here is a
mover and a shaker. Here is a person
used to getting His way. Here is a
person who has lived a largely blessed life.
There is a reason that this question comes from this man. Only people with more than they need worry
about inheritances. Only people with an
overabundance of riches worry about an inheritance. We need to learn this point. Our worry and our stress often has much to
say about our culture and context. Most
people in Western culture are more likely to worry about inheritance and stock
markets than they are going to worry about their next drink of clean water or
the next time they’ll be able to sleep in a safe place.
What do your worries and stress say about your life and your
condition? How can being aware of this
help us understand priority and blessing?
Second Thought:
Next, look at the question that he asked. “After doing what...?” The ruler is focused on actions. He isn’t focused on the condition of the
heart. He isn’t focused on passages like
Hosea 6:6, Psalm 51:15-17, and Joel 2:13.
He is concerned about the outward appearances. Again, I think this is a failing we see in
much of humanity and especially in the Western culture. We like to see actions. We like to see results. We find it so much easier to judge someone by
what is done or what is said than what is truly in the heart and in the
motivation. We easily condemn an action
gone wrong without even considering the intent of the heart. Relationship with God is first about the
heart. Then it is about living according
to His ways. It we forget to put the
heart right first, we can end up blindly obeying without actually being in
How often do you consider the results of your actions? How often do you consider the intentions
leading to your actions? Which is easier
to judge? Which is more important to
Third Thought:
The ruler then asks the part of the
question that we love to focus upon: “inherit.”
Is the kingdom of God a reward we earn?
Is eternal life a wage we receive for good work? Is it something that is due to us? Of course not! The kingdom of God is a thing of grace and
mercy. We don’t earn anything. We receive from God’s very hand and then respond
to His grace.
Why is it important to make sure we
understand that eternal life is a gift and not a reward or wage? How do you live this out in your life? Do you ever forget this lesson? If so, what does it look like when you do?
for Tomorrow: Luke 18:19-23
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