Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Acts 2:36-41

Acts 2:36-41:
Therefore after being exalted to the right hand of God and after receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit from the father, he poured out this one whom you all see and even hear.  For did not David go up into heaven?  And he said, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, sit out of my right hand until I should place your enemies as a footstool of your feet.  Therefore, let every house of Israel also known with certainty that God made this Jesus – whom you all crucified – Lord and Christ.”  And after hearing they were pierced to the heart and they said to Peter and to the remaining apostles, “What should we do, men and brothers?”  And Peter said to them, “Repent.”  He said, “And each of you be baptized upon the name of Jesus Christ into deliverance of your sin.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  For the promise is for you all and for your children and for all the ones into the far away places – as many as the Lord our God should call to himself.  And by many other words he solemnly charged them and was calling them to his side while saying, “Be saved from this crooked generation.”  And therefore the ones who embraced his word were baptized and about three thousand lives were added in that day.

Thoughts for Today:

First Thought:

3,000.  Really?

Yeah, really.  I’ve heard the people say that this was just a common expression for “a big number.”  And, academically I know that it is possible to interpret the Greek of the Bible in that way.  But you know what?  I’m choosing to believe it was 3,000.  I’m choosing to believe it because God’s power came and dwelled visibly in that place.  People did unexplainable things.  It was an amazing day – mind blowing, even.  As important as the Temple was in Jerusalem, I don’t think that it is odd to think that 3,000 people would want to “get a piece of that kind of action.”  I really don’t think that is a stretch at all.

Have you ever read an inspiring story about someone who did something amazing for God?  What was the story?  Why was it inspiring?  How did the story affect you?  Why do stories like that have such an ability to affect us as they do?

Second Thought:

The people come up to Peter.  Remember, this is the Peter who so often “got it not quite right” when Jesus was around.  This is the Peter who jumped out of the boat … and almost drowned.  This is the Peter who only moments after professing that he believed Jesus was the Messiah … Jesus has to turn to him and say “Satan, get behind me.”  Peter went from normal average follower of Jesus to “the answer man” in a matter of minutes.  Not only was he the answer man, but he was the guy who all of these people who came to him for answers would now start seeing as their spiritual leader.  Whoa.

How would you feel as a normal human being like Peter if all of a sudden some 3,000 people queue up to form a line and ask you about your faith?  What does this say about us being able to speak about our faith at any moment’s notice?

Passage for Tomorrow: Acts 3:42-43


Leandra said...

3000 is an awesome number,its just so mind blowing of how big of a number God can speak to. I love it.

PJ said...

Mind blowing indeed.

Just wait for the next few chapters!