Friday, August 23, 2013

Philippians 3:12-14


I have not already received this, nor have I already been made perfect.  But I press on so even I should receive it with much effort, for I also was received with much effort by Christ Jesus.  Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself as having received with much effort.  But one this I do consider: on one hand while forgetting the things behind me and on the other hand while stretching out to the goal ahead of me I press on according to the goal into the prize of the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul wants to be very clear in this passage.  It is difficult to talk about the Christian walk and not slip into works righteousness.  After all, a response to faith is expected by God, but that response is never what saves us.  Therefore, Paul delicately dances around the issue of pressing towards perfection in Christ but also making sure that his readers understand that he’s not already there and it is never by his own initial effort.  He is not yet perfected in Christ.  He is working with much effort, but he is doing so only after being received by Christ through much effort on Christ’s behalf.

Why is it always important to put our work in its proper place – that is, following Christ’s initial work?  How does this thought lead us towards humbleness?

Second Thought:

That being said, Paul makes it clear in this passage that much effort is being used on his behalf.  Following Jesus is never easy.  It takes focusing upon the goal.  It takes working towards the goal.  It takes stretching ourselves out for what God wants of us.  It is a challenge.  But it is worth it.

Where has God asked you to work and grow and stretch out?  Why does it make it easier to remember your growth in the context of what God first asked of His Son?

Third Thought:

Paul speaks of a prize.  The prize is the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Life is full of many tasks.  Many don’t bring fulfillment.  Some do.  Very few things bring lasting fulfillment throughout all of life.  In God, however, we can routinely find that long-lasting satisfaction.  When we are working for God and working on the things that He asks us to work, we are often fulfilled on a much deeper level.  That’s the upward calling.

What has God asked you to do that was ultimately fulfilling?  What have you done apart from God that was not long-lasting in its fulfillment?

Passage for Tomorrow: Philippians 3:15-16

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