Sunday, August 4, 2013

Philippians 1:12-14


I want you to understand that what has happened to me has happened so that the Gospel may progress.  The Gospel has become known to much of the imperial guard and the rest of the people within the prison because of my imprisonment.  Most of the people who are with me have become much more confident in Christ’s ability to work through imprisonment and they are bold in speaking about God’s Word.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul wants to be clear about something.  His imprisonment is God’s hand at work.  This is an awesome point and can only come from submission.  Who in their right mind would ever conceive of jail as a blessing in their life?  However, Paul knows that his time in prison has allowed him to spread the news of Jesus Christ to the people around him.  Because he is submitted to God, he is willing to do the work of the Lord in any circumstance.  In other words, the circumstances of life are no longer important.  What is important is our opportunity to proclaim Jesus to the world.  That’s submission.

How wrapped up do you become in your circumstances?  How wrapped up is your life in the things you have and do?  How much time do you actively spend talking to other people about what Jesus is doing in your life?  What can this line of thinking teach us about our true level of submission?

Second Thought:

The guard and the people within his prison – perhaps other prisoners as well as the support staff for the guards – have heard about Christ.  Not only have they heard about Christ, they’re on their way to truly believing.  Who would expect the prisoner to speak words into the life of the guard?  Because Paul is humbled, he is in a position to do this.  Because Paul was trained, he has words of truth to give.  If this letter is written while Paul is imprisoned in Rome – and many think it is – then the imperial guard that Paul is talking about are the elite guards assigned to the Emperor.  Paul is speaking to the elite soldiers of the Roman army and their support.

What can this story tell us about God’s ability to use anyone – even a prisoner?  How is Paul’s willingness and desire to speak about Jesus a big part of what is happening?  How is Paul’s earlier training under the Christians in Antioch as well as his ministry up to this point helping him to be the man God has called him to be?  Why is this important?

Third Thought:

Paul’s testimony is catching.  Paul’s boldness is inspiring others to be bold.  As people see Paul changing, they change with him.  As people see Paul speaking, they speak with him.  In a sense, this is discipleship.  Paul is authentic and transparent.  His disciples can see what he is doing, see Christ in him, and mimic that behavior.  Genuine faith is contagious and inspirational.

If genuine faith is contagious and inspirational, what does it say about how little contagion and inspiration the typical Christian feels by their spiritual surroundings?  Who is contagious in your life?  To whom might you be contagious?

Passage for Tomorrow: Philippians 1:15-18

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