Saturday, August 10, 2013

Philippians 1:27-28


Let your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This way – whether I can come to you or my spirit is absent – I may hear that you are standing firm together in one spirit, striving ahead in the faith with one mind, and not being afraid of anything by those who oppose you.  Their opposition to you is a clear sign of their destruction and your salvation – both of which come from God.    

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Live life in a manner worthy of the Gospel.  There’s a mouthful.  However, if you go back and review all the readings for this week, this has been the theme for study.  Live life according to the Gospel.  Do the will of God.  What was that potent verse we had a few days ago?  To live is Christ.  Here is the challenge once more, said in a wordier manner.  Live your life according to the faith you have in Jesus Christ.

What do you think Paul means when he says, “Live life worthy of the Gospel?”  What specific things do you think he is talking about?  In what ways do you actually live this out?  How might you need to grow with this respect?

Second Thought:

Paul desires to hear about the Philippians standing firm in their faith.  People standing up for faith is inspiring to others.  Mentors love to be inspired by their mentees as much as mentees love to be inspired by their mentors.  Christians in general love to hear meaningful testimony about how people are living out their faith.  As a people who are connected to God, hearing about God at work is stirring!

What benefit do you think hearing about the faith from the Philippians would have on Paul as he is in jail?  Whom in your life can you inspire and encourage?  From whom do you draw inspiration?

Third Thought:

Opposition is not a bad thing.  It feels like it at the time, but it is not bad.  Opposition from the world actually serves to remind us that we are on the right path.  How’s that for a back-handed compliment!  Opposition from the world is merely confirmation of their rebellion against God and our desire to conform to God.  Opposition will receive destruction.  Conforming to God will receive salvation.  Both states are given by God and under His authority.

Why is opposition so difficult?  What can help us when we are in the midst of opposition?  Why is it important to remember that both destruction and salvation are determined by God?

Passage for Tomorrow: Philippians 1:29-30

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