Saturday, August 17, 2013

Philippians 2:19-21


I hope through the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon.  In his coming, I will be cheered by hearing news of you all.  I have nobody else like him who will so genuinely be concerned for your welfare.  Everyone else seeks their own interests rather than the interest of Christ.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul hopes to send Timothy through the power of Jesus Christ.  Jesus will make it possible.  He will provide the way, the strength, and even the mindset.  Here at the beginning of this section we are reminded of the importance of Jesus Christ in everything that we do.

What do you do through Jesus Christ?  What areas of your life does He touch the most?  Why do you think that He is in those areas?

Second Thought:

Paul says that he has nobody else who will be so concerned with their welfare.  Let’s remember Timothy’s story.  Timothy was discipled first by his mother and grandmother (who were Jews at the time).  Timothy and his family met Paul.  They watched Paul get stoned.  Later, Timothy joined Paul and became discipled under Paul.  What we see in Timothy is that this servant mindset is not something gained over night.  It is learned and experienced through others as it is adopted slowly into one’s life.  But it is the goal.  The highest praise Paul could give to Timothy is that he will be genuinely concerned for them.

Are you genuinely concerned for others?  If so, whom?  What about those people makes you concerned for them?  How did you get to the point of caring for them?

Third Thought:

Paul then criticizes most of the world around him.  He says that everyone else around him is concerned for themselves, unlike Timothy who is concerned for others.  How rare is a genuine selfless disciple of Christ!  I happen to love mnemonics.  I learned today that people are either living in Philippians 1:21 or they are living in Philippians 2:21.  What a great way to remember each of those verses!

How does Philippians 1:21 contrast with Philippians 2:21?  Which person are you?

Passage for Tomorrow: Philippians 2:22-24

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