Sunday, June 24, 2012

Acts 21:37-40

Summary retelling of Acts 21:37-40

As Paul was being dragged into custody, Paul speaks to the military leader.  The leader responds by asking Paul to speak in Greek – no doubt surprised to hear the accent of an academically trained man.  Then the military leader asks Paul if he is a troublemaker from Egypt who has been leading a revolt of assassins in the desert.  Paul informs the leader that he is actually a Jew from Tarsus.  Paul then asks to speak to the people.  The leader concedes and Paul is led up to speak to the crowd.  Miraculously, the crowd is silent in order to listen to him.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Paul is not afraid of the truth.  He knows that he has done nothing wrong.  He is certainly not guilty of polluting the temple as the people declared.  So Paul speaks.  He has nothing to be afraid of so long as he is standing in God’s truth.

Are you ever afraid to speak when you know the truth of God?  What makes you afraid?  What is the effect of your fear?

Second Thought:
Paul likely knows that his speech will do no good.  He knows from the Holy Spirit within him as well as from the prophecies about him that he is to be dragged before the Gentiles – even the Roman Court.  Certainly Paul realizes that his words here will not prevent his imprisonment.  Thus, there can only be one reason that Paul speaks.  He is not trying to save his own skin.  Rather, he is speaking so that someone – anyone – might hear the truth and contemplate it.  Paul doesn’t speak for himself here; Paul speaks for the benefit of those who have not yet believed in Christ.

Does this give you any greater respect for Paul?  What does it take to be able to love other people in spite of their desire to do harm?

Third Thought:
The crowd is silent.  God is at work.  The crowd could have rioted and screamed and not listened.  But they are silenced.  God is at work.  Imagine the reaction of the military leader and his soldiers.  No doubt they were expecting the worst from the crowd, but when Paul goes to speak a near miracle happens.  That’s absolutely incredible.

Did you see the silence of the crowd as the work of the hand of God?  How quick are we as human beings to overlook the work of God in our midst?

Passage for Tomorrow: Acts 22:1-4

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