Friday, June 15, 2012

Acts 20:25-30

Summary retelling of Acts 20:25-30

Paul gives the ultimate blow: he doesn’t expect to see any of the leaders in Ephesus again.  Paul confesses his innocence for the charge of which he expects to be accused.  Paul declares that he has worked to teach everything he could about God.  Paul asks the leaders to pay careful attention over the flock.  Paul predicts that after he comes in that there will be false teachers come into the church and lead people astray.  He also predicts that there will be people from within the congregation in Ephesus who will try to lead others astray.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Paul really does lower quite a boom.  Imagine being told that your spiritual mentor is headed off to be imprisoned and you’d never see them again.  This is an incredible blow.  However, it is also an incredible moment of faith.  It takes serious courage to do what Paul was setting out to do.  It also takes an equal amount of faith to let go of the people you love in order to enable them to fulfill God’s calling for them in life.  The path of following God is filled with many difficult moments of faith and trust that God can make all things turn out for His glory.

Why is it necessary to let people go from time to time?  Why do we get into spiritual trouble when we try to hold on to someone that we really need to let go?

Second Thought:
Paul lets his fate rest in God’s hands.  Notice the criteria that Paul uses to examine his life.  He doesn’t talk about the places he’s visited or the wealth that he’s accumulated.  He doesn’t talk about the accolades he’s received or even the experiences that he has had.  For Paul, there is only one criterion.  He taught people about God as well as he could.

When you are thinking about your life, what criteria do you set?  Do your criteria reflect your faith and obedience to God? 

Third Thought:
Paul warns about threats to the faith.  Threats will come from the outside.  Other threats will come from the inside.  As soon as we let our guard down, threats are there to take advantage of the lowering of our guard.

What kind of threats do you think Paul is imagining will come?  Have you experienced any threats to your faith?  How do you defeat them?

Passage for Tomorrow: Acts 20:31-35

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