Thursday, June 14, 2012

Acts 20:17-24

Summary retelling of Acts 20:17-24

While Paul is in Miletus, he calls for the elders in Ephesus to come to him.  They do.  When they come to him, Paul begins to give his defense.  He reminds them that when he came among them he did not stop proclaiming the Gospel.  He reminds them of all the trials that he has suffered under the plots of the Jews.  He reminds them that he didn’t hold anything back and that he spoke to Jews and Gentiles alike.  The core of his teaching was on our need to repent and then follow Jesus Christ.  Paul then reveals that the Spirit is compelling him to go to Jerusalem and he is afraid that something bad is going to happen to him there.  He believes that he will be imprisoned because of the faith that he teaches.  Then Paul says that the only thing he hopes for in life is to finish the course of ministry that God has laid out for him.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Paul did what he was called to do.  That doesn’t mean that he didn’t make mistakes along the way.  He’s human, of course he did.  In fact, we know of a pretty big one that he made in Corinth.  Remember when Jesus Himself came and spoke to Paul, chastising him?  Sure, he made mistakes.  But Paul ultimately did what he was called to do.  He proclaimed the need for people to repent.  He proclaimed the need for people to follow Jesus.  He endured persecution for the cause.  While he certainly wasn’t without error, he was faithful.

In general, are you inspired by Paul’s example?  What inspires you about his relationship with God?

Second Thought:
Paul demonstrates that he is open to listening to the Holy Spirit.  Paul is not pushing his own agenda.  Rather, Paul is following the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit.  This is one of the greatest understandings that we can get about Paul.  Paul is so often painted as a hard and strict man.  But the reality is that he was a humble servant.  He was a good teacher and he did not compromise the faith to be sure.  But he was first and foremost a follower.  That is a key to being obedient to God.

When you make decisions – even simple ones – how quick are you to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit?  How quick are you to even involve the Holy Spirit into your decision making process?

Third Thought:
Paul is not just a follower.  He continues to follow even when the path looks bleak.  The Holy Spirit is preparing him for imprisonment.  Over the next few days we’ll really get to hear just how much Paul is grieved by what the Holy Spirit is really calling him to do.  This is a painful process for Paul.  Yet, he remains obedient.  In this we can really see that Paul is a disciple of Jesus Christ.  Jesus was faithful to God by heading to Jerusalem and dying on a cross.  Paul is faithful in forfeiting his freedom by heading to Jerusalem where he knows things will not go well.  To be a follower of God means that we are willing to go wherever He asks and for whatever reason that He asks it of us.

Is it easy to follow God?  If God asked you to sacrifice you future for Him, would you be willing to give it up?

Passage for Tomorrow: Acts 20:25-30

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