Friday, June 22, 2012

Acts 21:27-30

Summary retelling of Acts 21:27-30

When Paul went into the temple, there were some Jews from Asia Minor who recognized him.  They cry out against Paul and tell the people in the temple that Paul is teaching everyone everywhere to reject the Law.  They also accused Paul of bringing Greeks (Gentiles) into the temple, which was forbidden, because they had seen Paul hanging around with some of his disciples outside the temple.  The Jews got the crowd into such an uproar that the stormed together and seized Paul.  The gates to the temple were shut. 

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
First of all, notice what happens to Paul.  He is arrested on completely false charges.  First, they accuse Paul of teaching people to reject the Law – which he clearly is not doing because he is following the Law himself.  Second, he is accused of bringing Gentiles into the temple – which he has not done.  This turmoil begins completely over false charges.  So it is with many people in the world.  People – sadly, even spiritual people – get an idea in their head so deeply that whether or not it is true doesn’t even matter.

Why do you think all human beings seem to occasionally be so convinced that they know what is really happening that they don’t take time to see the situation from an unbiased perspective?  Why can we all be blind from time to time?  What is it that these Jews from Asia Minor have allowed to blind them?

Second Thought:
Again we see that a crowd is used against Paul.  It seems like the only way to thwart God’s plan is to reduce human beings to the point that they no longer think.  This can be done through mob mentality, through brainwashing, or through abuse of power.  This is why as Christians it is so important to sway people through logic and reason and spirituality rather than through raw emotion.  When we use raw emotion, we are treating people no differently than those who used raw emotion against Paul in this passage (or against Jesus at the time of His crucifixion).

Why do people seem to enjoy tapping into the raw emotive states of other people?  What usually happens to those who have been stirred up when the emotional response wears off?

Third Thought:
After Paul is dragged out of the temple area and into the courtyard, the gates are dragged shut.  This is a symbolic act designed to make the claim that “the temple will remain clean.”  Unfortunately, this only shows that the Jews of the temple have not learned the ultimate truth.  All of us have sin within us.  We cannot keep sin out of any place where any human being is allowed to go – no matter how much we try and purify ourselves.  It is not that which is external that defiles us, but rather it is the sin within us that defiles us.

Have you ever met someone who lived as though they could build enough barriers and keep sin from influencing them?  What do you think about their tactics?  What might they compromise by building barriers to keep the world out?

Passage for Tomorrow: Acts 21:31-36

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