Sunday, December 27, 2015

1 Peter 1:10-12

1 Peter 1:10-12
Regarding this salvation, the prophets who prophesied regarding the grace into you all searched and inquired with considerable effort – while inquiring about who or what time the Spirit of Christ in them was disclosing while foretelling the suffering into Christ and the glory with these sufferings.  To these it was being revealed that they themselves were not serving themselves buy also you all – which was now being announced to you all through the ones who proclaimed good news to you all in the Holy Spirit, who was being sent from heaven, into which things angels desire to look.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

In this passage we hear Peter focus on the development of God’s message of hope to us.  The first people that we hear about are the prophets.  They had a relationship with God, but they knew that there was something more.  They knew that God’s Messiah would come.  They knew that there was more to the story than themselves and their current lifetime.  God revealed to them that there was more to come and there were people in the future that needed to be reached.  That is a great perspective for us to have.  We should always be reaching forward in our minds looking to where God is driving us.

Where are you headed in the faith?  Where does God seem to be headed in His unveiling of the Gospel in the world?

Second Thought:

The next people that we meet in Peter’s description are the actual evangelists in the life of Peter’s audience.  Someone came and proclaimed the message to them.  Someone brought the love of God into their midst.  Someone came to them and challenged them to think about something more with respect to their life.  These are people of the same spirit as the prophets.  These people are not thinking of themselves but rather thinking of the people to whom God is calling them.  That’s the secret.  God’s people aren’t thinking of themselves but always looking outward to see where God is opening doors of ministry.

Where is God opening up a door in your life?  Who are you called to reach?  Are you willing to follow God into and through this door?

Third Thought:

Finally we meet the Holy Spirit.  This is the orchestrator of the evangelical effort.  It is the Holy Spirit that draws people together.  It is the Holy Spirit that teaches us and prepares us for ministry.  It is the Holy Spirit that guides us out into the world to proclaim God’s message.  The Holy Spirit is the one at work and to whom we should be listening.

Where do you hear the Holy Spirit in your life?  How does the Holy Spirit prepare you for work?  Are you willing to do this work?

Passage for Tomorrow: 1 Peter 1:13-16

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