Saturday, October 17, 2015

Colossians 4:5-6

Colossians 4:5-6
Go about your life in wisdom towards the ones outside while taking full advantage of your time.  Let your word be in grace at all times – having been seasoned with salt to have known how it is necessary for you to answer each person.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul gives some great advice in the opening words here.  Live in wisdom.  This is easily said and far more difficult to do.  I think Paul extends this thought with more great advice as to why this is so difficult to do.  Paul reminds us that our wisdom should be towards those who are outside.  When we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our own desires we tend to act unwisely.  But when we take the time to stop and think about the people around us and the effects that our actions and words will have upon them, then we tend to live in wisdom.  I believe that this is the hardest part of wisdom: considering other people before ourselves.  In a selfish world that is so easily turned inwards to our own desires we are simply out of practice of being truly wise.

Do you typically see that wisdom is connected to your ability to consider the people around you?  How good are you at being wise?

Second Thought:

Then Paul talks about grace.  Our words should be full of grace.  Again, though, I think that this has to do with our perspective.  When we consider how our words will affect other people, our words will most likely be gracious.  However, when we only speak what we feel like speaking in the moment, our words are often harsh and critical.

From whom do you hear words full of grace the most often?  How good are you at speaking grace to the people around you?

Third Thought:

Of course, Paul knows the truth.  We are the testimony of Jesus.  Our lives are a testimony of faith to the world.  When we are wise and gracious, we invite the world in.  They will ask questions.  They will wrestle with the choice to follow Christ and imitate Him so that they can know a life of wisdom and grace.  We need to know what to say and how to say it.

What witness does your life have?  How confident that you know what to say to the people around you?

Passage for Tomorrow: Colossians 4:7-9

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