Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hebrews 2:1-4

Summary retelling of Hebrews 2:1-4

The author reminds us that we must pay close attention.  If we don’t pay close attention, we risk drifting away from our faith.  He then tells us that God’s revelation by His messengers – that is, the Old Testament – was very reliable in pointing us to our sinfulness and our need for the forgiveness and grace that comes through Christ.  Furthermore, if we neglect such a witness, how will we ever escape the condemnation that comes through it?  We know that this witness is trustworthy because it came from God, is attested by the faithful, and it is proven by the work of the Holy Spirit who is in those who receive the testimony.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
The author’s first point is really significant.  When we neglect things, we get worse with them.  I hate that it is this way, but it is absolutely true.  Ask any runner what happens to them if they stop running for a month. As any student what happens to their ability to learn over the summer.  Ask any employee what the first day back from a vacation is like.  When we neglect things, we drift away from mastery over them.  The longer we neglect something, the greater the drift.

Is faith something from which you want to drift away?  What does this section seem to be telling us about ensuring that we obey the marks of discipleship (Studying God’s Word regularly, praying regularly, worshipping regularly, giving regularly, serving regularly, and relating spiritually to others regularly)?

Second Thought:
The author then points out that the witness of the Old Testament is true.  God’s Word teaches us about the nature of our Creator.  The Law reveals to us our sinful nature.  The prophets reveal that a savior is coming that we desperately need.  These are the overarching points of the whole of the Old Testament. 

Can any of us deny that human nature is self-centered?  Can any of us deny that there is a self-monger living within?  Can any of us deny that we cannot rely on our own righteousness and therefore need a savior?  Do you agree that the Old Testament in reliable – especially in these matters?

Third Thought:
The author finally points us to the fact that we are not alone in understanding the truth of God’s Word.  The faithful who have come before us believed it.  They believed it because they saw God revealed through it.  They believed it because they saw the Holy Spirit working through those who believed it and came before them.  We have a great tradition of faith to which we can adhere.

Have you seen God at work in people around you?  In whom?  In what ways?  Have you seen God at work in the faithful people who came before you?  In whom?  In what ways?

Passage for Tomorrow: Hebrews 2:5-9