Sunday, November 11, 2012

2 Timothy 4:13-15

Summary retelling of 2 Timothy 4:13-15

Paul asks Timothy to bring some items should he come and visit Paul: his cloak, some books, and some other writings.  Paul also recalls a man named Alexander who has done him great harm, but he reminds Timothy that it is God’s ability to repay Alexander.  Paul then warns Timothy to be careful around Alexander because of how hard Alexander resisted Paul.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Paul asks Timothy to bring some things.  A cloak will help him stay warm.  He is getting older, and prisons are not known for their comfort.  The books may help him with his legal defense.  However, I think there is more to it here than simple comfort and legal defense.  Paul has just said that he expects to be poured out.  He’s thinking that he is likely to die.  It could be that he just wants to read God’s Word and be encouraged by holy writings once more before he should die.  If this is true, consider the statement that Paul is making about his perspective on the study of theology and God’s ways.  Even though he should die because of his faith, he still wants to study.

If you were on your deathbed, what would you ask for?  What claim is Paul making about Timothy if he requests his presence as his life is coming to a close?  What value do you place on God’s Word?  How do your actions reflect this value?

Second Thought:
Paul shows an incredible amount of concern for Timothy when he tells Timothy to be careful of Alexander.  It could be that this Alexander is the same man who caused trouble in Ephesus.  Perhaps it is a different man – it was a common name.  Either way, Paul is looking out for Timothy.  Paul doesn’t want Timothy to get hurt.  He doesn’t want him to unnecessarily step into struggles.  Leadership implies looking out for those under the leader’s supervision.

How does it make you feel when a mentor gives you a key piece of advice that really helps you avoid trouble?  Who has given you this kind of advice?  Do you always heed such advice?  What makes you decide whether to heed sound advice or to ignore it?

Third Thought:
Paul tells Timothy that it is God’s place to judge Alexander.  It is up to God to determine what Alexander deserves.  Timothy doesn’t need to seek revenge for Paul.  Timothy doesn’t need to feel it necessary to fight Paul’s battle.  There are far more important things to do in this world than to try and get even.  It is far better to give it to God than to try and take matters into our own hands.

Why do human beings try to seek revenge?  Why do human beings want to get the better of other people?  What do you think is more important work than worrying about getting even?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Timothy 4:16-18

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