Saturday, November 3, 2012

2 Timothy 3:10-11

Summary retelling of 2 Timothy 3:10-11

Paul now begins a few verse of complimenting Timothy on his ability to follow.  However, in the compliment is a reminder of behavior.  Timothy follows Paul into teaching, conduct, his goal in life, his faith, his love, his patience, his steadfastness, and his persecutions.  At the end he reminds Timothy that God – through the Lord Jesus Christ – has rescued him from all persecution.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
I’d like to contrast the three words that Paul is using recently.  Today he says “follow” whereas yesterday he said “opposed” and tomorrow he will say “impostor.”  The word for follow really means “to investigate deeply” or to “diligently check out.”  Paul is really complimenting Timothy on his desire to thoroughly dive into God’s Word and the accounts of people who knew Jesus.  Paul is applauding Timothy for not simply taking other people’s word for it but rather for exploring the spirituality within himself and deciding for himself what he thinks.  Yesterday we talked about imitators; today we find out the difference between a true disciple and an imitator.  The true disciple investigates it deeply enough to take true ownership whereas the imitator spouts things they’ve heard and does things they’ve seen done before without actually making those things a part of themselves.

Are you a follower?  Are you an imitator?  Are there some parts of your life in which you are more of a follower than others?  What are the parts of your faith life in which you are still an imposter?  How can you change those parts to becoming a true follower? 

Second Thought:
If we look at the list of things in which Timothy is following, we can see that the true follower has his whole life shaped by faith.  Timothy follows in being steadfast (strong in difficult circumstances).  Timothy’s life goals revolve around his faith and God’s calling for him.  Timothy is teaching the truth as well as living it out in love.  Timothy is patient.  Timothy is not afraid of persecution.  Timothy’s whole life is revolving around God, God’s calling for him, and the proclamation of truth to the world.

Think about the normal self-proclaimed American Christian and ask yourself: does their life truly revolve around the proclamation of truth and God’s agenda?  Who are the Christians in your life that embody this dedication?  How can you learn from them so as to not be an imitator but rather be a follower?

Third Thought:
At the end of this passage, Paul reminds Timothy that God can save us from persecution.  We’ll talk more about this tomorrow, so I don’t want to say too much.  For today, I simply want to remind all of us that God can save us from all persecution – even in death He can save us.  We must trust His ability to save.

Do you believe God can save us from persecution?  Do you always live out that belief?  What prevents us from always living as though God can save us?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Timothy 3:12-13

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