Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2 Timothy 4:19-22

Summary retelling of 2 Timothy 4:19-22

Paul asks Timothy to greet old friends: Prisca and Aquilla.  He then updates Timothy of his spiritual friends: Erastus, Trophimus, Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, and Claudia.  Paul asks for Timothy to come quickly.  He concludes with a blessing from the Lord upon Timothy: a godly spirit and grace.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Remember Prisca and Aquila from Acts 18?  This is a married couple that Paul met in Corinth who then went with Paul to Ephesus, where Timothy remains.  They were the couple who taught Apollos, a person who had been trained by disciples of John the Baptizer. They were a blessing to Paul’s ministry.  As he prepares to die, Paul thinks highly of them and asks Timothy to greet them.

Do you have any examples in your life of people who have been spiritual co-workers for a long time?  What can you say about the relationship of people who do the work of God together over a long time?  How can that inspire your own spirituality?

Second Thought:
Paul also updates Timothy on the spiritual work of his associates.  They are all still working in ministry.  Even though Paul is in prison, the ministry goes on.  Even if Timothy is hitting a few rough spots, the ministry still goes on.  It is good to know about the spiritual work of other people because it helps us understand the big picture of God’s hand at work rather than focusing only on our own personal successes and failures.

Do you keep track of anyone else’s spiritual life?  How could it benefit you to talk with others – or even hear about the spiritual life of other Christians that you know?

Third Thought:
Paul concludes with a blessing.  Paul genuinely desires that Timothy’s spirit be at peace.  It may be a rough life from time to time; but God’s promises can bring us peace.  Paul also genuinely desires that Timothy would know grace.  Paul wants the last words that Timothy hears from him to be a reminder of God’s love – a love that we benefit from regardless of whether we deserve it or not.

What does God’s grace mean to you?  How can remembering about God’s grace lead you to living a better life?

Passage for Tomorrow: TBA

NOTE: I am stool looking for a new book to study when this one is finished.  Ideas welcome.  Leave ideas in comments, text me, or Facebook me suggestions.  If I have to, I’ll pick a new one tomorrow morning!

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