Summary retelling of 2 Timothy 4:3-5
turns to talking once more about humanity.
Human beings reach a point where they will choose between believing
sound teaching or believing the lies that they want to be true in their life. People will choose between those who speak
difficult truth or those who speak what they want to hear. People will either choose to cling to the
truth or wander away into myths that make them feel good. Thus Paul encourages Timothy to have a
judgment that is untainted, to be willing to endure suffering, to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus Christ, and to accomplish the role of service to which God
has called him.
Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Doctrine. It sounds like such a grand
idea. If only we could have a list of
things which we can believe with absolute certainty! If only we could have a few guiding
principles in this life towards which we could strive. Everyone is inherently in favor of Sound
Doctrine. What’s not to like about
having a few guiding principles in your life, right?
are the principles upon which you truly make your decisions? What are the core
values around which you truly live your life?
Are the core values you picked really the ones that should be there?
Second Thought:
doctrine is a difficult thing. Love your
neighbor. Honor your father and
mother. Love your brother and sister. Give to the poor. Trust in the Lord. Obey God.
Sex is for marriage. Don’t get
drunk. Don’t lie. Pay your debts. Don’t take advantage of your neighbors. Don’t get angry. Meditate on the Word of God often. Don’t watch movies or listen to music that
puts temptation into your presence. I
can go on, but I think my point is clear.
God’s sound doctrine is difficult in this world. So many times we compromise truth for a sound
doctrine of our own making.
is so hard about being obedient to God’s sound doctrine? What parts of our human nature make it so
easy for us to compromise on faith?
Third Thought:
is difficult to be a godly person in this world. There are far more fun and easy things to
focus on that being God’s servant. It’s
far more fun to live by the rules of the world than to endure the suffering that
comes from rejecting the ways of the world.
However, Paul is clear with Timothy.
God’s people are charged with certain tasks. Proclaiming Jesus to the world is top of the
list. Enduring the persecution that
comes with that is also right there.
Living a life of fair and equitable judgment is also right there. In all things, be God’s servant. It is our challenge. It is our calling.
there any calling that you would rather have than being God’s servant? What are the rewards of living a life
according to God’s calling? What are the
rewards of living a life according to the calling of the world? What are the dangers of both callings? Which one do you chose on a regular basis?
Passage for
Tomorrow: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
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