Revelation 4:8-11
the four living beings – each one according to one of them – while again having
six wings and they were full of eyes inside and around them. And they were not having a place to rest day
and night while saying, “Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty: the one who was,
the one who is, and the one who is coming.
And whenever the living beings will give glory, honor, and praise to the
one who is sitting upon the throne – the one who lives into the eras of the
eras – the twenty-four elders will fall in the presence of the one who sits
upon the throne and bow down to worship the one who lives into the eras of the
eras. And they will throw their crowns
in the presences of the throne while saying, “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power because you created all things into
existence and for the sake of your will they were and they were being created.
Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
The four living creatures give glory to God. The elders fall to the ground and
worship. Do you hear the identity of God
in this passage? Holy. Holy.
Holy. God – all three persons –
is holy. But don’t forget what holy
means. Holy means different. It means separate. The attribute of God that the living
creatures lift up is that He is different from us. This should be inspirational. God is holy.
He is separate. But we are called
to imitate God. We are called to be
different, too. God absolutely loves us
as we are. But He does not desire that
we stay as we are. He is holy. He desires us to be holy, too.
Are you holy? In what
ways are you separate from the world around you? In what ways is God holy – different – from the
Second Thought:
Look at what the elders do before God. They toss their crowns towards God. This is an act of humble submission. These twenty-four elders were given high
position and status in the eternal realm.
Yet, they do not gloat or boast.
Instead, they turn and humbly cast all that they have been given to the
King of the universe. Come to think of
it, that’s probably why they are the twenty-four elders. They are the twenty-four because their nature
is humbleness and submission before God.
That should speak volumes about what God truly values among us as
Are you humble before God?
How do you look to glorify God rather than collect treasure for yourself?
Third Thought:
Look at the title that God is given: Our
Lord and God. The problem with being a
lifelong Christian living in a nation where Christianity is openly taught is
that we don’t see this name as special anymore.
Of course God is Lord and God, right? However, if we look historically at this
title, John the Seer is doing something of great importance here. The Emperor of Rome at the time that John is
writing this book was a man whose name was Domitian. Domitian was an emperor who was known for
being reasonably cruel to Christians.
More importantly, though, Domitian gave himself the title: Lord and
God. Thus, what John says here isn’t a
proclamation of god’s identity as we would read it today. What John is doing is overtly speaking out
against the authority of the world. He
is blatantly taking the title of the Roman Emperor and attributing it to
God. In other words, Domitian is no lord
and he is absolutely no God. God, the
Father, our creator, is our Lord and God.
Why do you think John would attack the
authority of the world? How do you
relate to secular authority? Why do you
think that we as Christians in the modern world so easily miss some of the
deeper theological points that John places in the writings of Revelation?
for Tomorrow: Revelation 5:1-5
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