Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2 John 12-13

2 John 12-13
While having many things to write to you all, I was not desiring by means of paper and ink.  Rather, I hope to come to you all and to speak mouth to mouth in order that our joy should be having been made complete.  The children of your chosen sister greet you.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

John tells his recipients that he has many things to say to them.  We cannot escape this truth.  None of us will ever master the faith.  We will always have things to learn.  We’ll always have things about which we should be reminded.  This isn’t to our shame, it is just a reality.  There will always be another lesson to teach and another lesson to learn.  We don’t have to teach everything now nor do we need to learn everything now.

Do you ever feel like you need to learn it all now?  Why do you sometimes feel this way?

Second Thought:

John says that he would like to teach some things face to face – literally mouth to mouth.  Here is another lesson that makes sense.  Some things are easier to learn in person.  Some lessons take conversation and discussion to understand.  Some lessons are easier when the student has the ability to ask a question.

What lessons have you learned that you were glad to have someone teach you in person rather than having to learn them through a book?

Third Thought:

Finally, this passage speaks a good bit about joy.  John wants to come among them because it is joyful when we get together.  There should be a common fellowship in Christian circles.  There should be a sense of community.

How does the community feel to you?  When is community joyful?  When does it feel good to get together with others of the same faith as you?

Passage for Tomorrow: 3 John 1-4

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