Thursday, October 11, 2012

2 Timothy 1:3-4

Summary retelling of 2 Timothy 1:3-4

Paul tells Timothy that he gives thanks to God.  He also reminds Timothy that he serves God – the God of his ancestors.  He also tells Timothy that he serves God with a cathartic conscience.  He also says that he remembers Timothy daily in his prayers.  He reminds Timothy of the tears he has shed in the past and says that he longs to see Timothy again.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Paul tells Timothy that he gives thanks to God.  This might seem kind of obvious, but sometimes we have to remember to pay attention to the obvious things we often take for granted.  It is so easy to go through life taking God for granted.  It is easy to go through life taking the things and people that God gives us for granted as well.  It is good for Paul to remind this young Timothy that he thanks God.

Why are we as human beings prone to taking God for granted?  What can we do in our life to make sure that we take time to thank God?  What might be in your life that prevents you from being thankful to God?

Second Thought:
Paul reminds Timothy that the God that they serve is indeed the God of their ancestors.  However, Paul also says that he serves God with a clear – cleansed – conscience.  What Paul is telling Timothy is that although some of the present Jews may reject Jesus that Paul and Timothy serve Jesus with a clear conscience.  This is a declaration of reassurance to Timothy.  Paul used to be one of those Jews who rejected Jesus.  Now he is one of the greatest evangelists of all time.  If Paul can make that kind of change, anyone can.

Why is it good to remember Paul’s past when he talks about faith?  Is there something about his past that is inspirational to you? 

Third Thought:
Timothy has apparently cried in the faith.  It is reasonable to assume that these tears were shed when Paul moved on from Ephesus and left Timothy to guide the church in Ephesus.  Timothy cared much about the relationship that he had with Paul.  When Paul tells Timothy that he longs to see Timothy he demonstrates the caring and compassion as well.  This is a spiritual bond that physical distance cannot diminish.

What is it about spiritual connections that make them able to withstand physical separation?  Why is it important for Paul and Timothy to continue to communicate in spite of their physical separation?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Timothy 1:5-7


Leandra said...

I am starting to really see how 1 and 2 Timothy are very relatable. Very, very interesting.. :)

PJ said...


Relatable to each other?

Relatable to life?

What doest thou mean (more clearly) when thou sayeth relatable?

Leandra said...

To the conversation that we had before you left, so more relatable to life and each other I suppose. I doth mean relatable in this wayth.

PJ said...

I'm glad that you are making the connection about how these books are relatable to life. That's what's important in life. Opening God's Word daily and being challenged in our own life by the words we find in there.