Monday, October 15, 2012

2 Timothy 1:12

Summary retelling of 2 Timothy 1:12

Paul reminds Timothy that he suffers because of his calling as an apostle, preacher, and teacher.  Then Paul tells Timothy that he is not ashamed because he knows Jesus.  He also believes that Jesus is able to guard what has been entrusted to Paul.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Paul is clear with Timothy.  He is suffering because of his calling.  He is persecuted because of his proclamation.  People hate him because he loves Jesus and talks to other people about Jesus.  It’s really that simple.

Do you think anyone persecutes you because of your faith?  How does persecution make you feel about your faith? 

Second Thought:
Paul says something really cool about what Paul says about Jesus.  He knows Jesus.  Paul doesn’t just know about Jesus; Paul actually knows Jesus.  This is a significant point.  Paul can have confidence because he is in a real and serious relationship with Jesus.  Being with Jesus isn’t like knowing about history or believing that Martin Luther actually lived.  Jesus’ followers actually know Him.

Would you say you know Jesus or know about Him?  How would you describe the difference between those two thoughts?  Do you think people who know Jesus inherently act differently than people who know about Jesus?

Third Thought:
Paul believes that Jesus is able to guard what has been entrusted to Paul.  The question is: what has been entrusted to Paul?  Clearly, Paul has been entrusted with the Gospel.  Jesus can certainly guard that.  Paul has been entrusted with a calling to go to the Gentiles.  Jesus can guard that, too.  However, Paul has been entrusted with life – eternal life, even!  Jesus can absolutely guard that as well.  Nothing is capable of being taken out of the hands of Jesus unless Jesus desires to relinquish it out of His hands.

How does it feel to know that Jesus can guard your life?  How does it feel to know that Jesus can guard your salvation?  How does it make you feel to know that Jesus can guard the church and those who follow Him?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Timothy 1:13-14

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