Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Luke 8:1-3

Luke 8:1-3
And it became in the time afterwards and He was traveling towards city and town while preaching and proclaiming the good news about the kingdom of God.  And the twelve were with Him along with some women who were having been healed from evil spirits and infirmities: Mary the one being called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had been cast out, and Joanna the wife of Chuza the steward of Herod, and many others who were serving them out of their possessions.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

What exactly does Jesus do after going into Simon’s home and not receiving hospitality from Him?  He goes back out on mission, of course!  We might be tempted to go home and sulk and doubt ourselves.  But not Jesus!  Jesus heads out on mission.  This is really a neat point to consider, so long as we remember that Jesus is the Son of God.  Just because Jesus experiences a little pushback and a little doubt against Him is no reason to quit.  Yes, He knows He is in the right because He is the Son of God and I’m sure that makes it easier to continue on.  But the point is that He continues on.  The mission doesn’t end.

Have you ever been tempted to quit in the face of persecution and judgment?  Why can quitting be such a temptation?

Second Thought:

Furthermore, Jesus brings along the twelve.  His disciples are still there.  Jesus isn’t afraid to experience doubt and judgment in their midst.  In fact, He is willing to model how to go on in front of them!  This is great.  Jesus shows His disciples that not everyone will appreciate and approve of them.  But they can keep working in the kingdom!

Where do you see others overcoming judgment and persecution?  Where do you model your own willingness to persevere for those who look into your life for elements of faith?

Third Thought:

Jesus also brings women with Him.  In fact, He has women who have been healed and cured.  He has women with Him who have experience with having evil spirits cast out of them.  What I love about this testimony is two-fold.  First of all, I think that it is really neat that Jesus brings women along with Him.  He lifts up women into an equivalent role to the twelve.  Second, I love how Jesus takes the people that many might discard and lift them up in His company.  How many of us might shy away from people who have a history with evil spirits?  Jesus doesn’t care.  They are healed.  They are changed.  They are a new creation.  Jesus welcomes people with a troubled past and elevates them.

Have you ever judged other people because of the past?  Have you ever thought less of a person’s influence in the kingdom because of their gender?  Why are both of these things wrong according to the example of Christ?

Passage for Tomorrow: Luke 8:4-8

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