Sunday, September 27, 2015

Colossians 2:9-10

Colossians 2:9-10
Because in Him all of the fullness of the divine nature dwells bodily, and having been made complete you all are in Him, who is the head and ruler of every authority.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

As we talk about the center of Christ for our life, we need to remember that this models the fact that Christ was the center of God’s plan for salvation.  If Christ was central to God’s plan for us, why wouldn’t He be the center of our life, too?  Human traditions, elemental understanding of the physical world around us, and the pursuit of ideological ideals such as love or justice cannot do for us what Christ has done for us.  We should be devoted to Christ and nothing else.

Have you ever thought about the fact that we center our life on Christ because God centered His plan of salvation on Christ?  Why does this make sense?

Second Thought:

This is how we know that Christ is the center of God’s plan: the fullness of the divine nature dwells in Him.  Jesus was not a man like us; Jesus is God.  Because He is God, He can pay the ultimate price that we cannot.  Because He is the center of God’s plan, He is the head of every authority.

Do you believe that Christ was fully God?  Do you believe that Christ is the head of every authority?  How do you live each of these beliefs out in your life?

Third Thought:

Paul also tells us some very good news.  We are made complete in Him.  This tells us two very important things.  First, we are not originally complete.  We are sinful.  We make mistakes.  We miss opportunities that God sets in front of us.  But in Christ, we can be made complete!  Christ completes us.  He makes us better.  He fixes our mistakes.  He brings us forgiveness.  He gives us the opportunity for eternal life with the Father.

Do you live as though Christ has made you complete?  What does it mean to you to be made complete in Christ?

Passage for Tomorrow: Colossians 2:11-12

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