Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Colossians 1:11-12

Colossians 1:11-12
… while being empowered in every power according to the might of His glory in all continuing endurance and patience with joy, while giving thanks to the Father who makes you all sufficient into the portion of the inheritance of the holy ones in the light.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul continues to expound upon why he prays for spiritual insight for the Colossians.  Once they are focused on pleasing the Lord and doing the will of the Father, Paul also wants them to be empowered to do that will.  Again we have a fundamental truth.  If it is God’s will, we should believe that we will be empowered to accomplish it!  Why would God ask us to do something and not give us the ability to accomplish it?  Of course, we should not confuse having the power to do God’s will with experiencing ultimate success.  It was God’s will for Paul to be an evangelist wherever he went – yet he was persecuted in every city.  It was God’s will for Jesus to come to earth – yet we see Him crucified.  It was God’s will for Moses to lead His people out of Egypt – yet we see that out of that generation only Joshua and Caleb were actually allowed into the Promised Land.  We are empowered to do the will of the Father, but that often implies that in doing so we will experience the rejection of the world.  Just because the world rejects us does not mean that we have not done the will of the Father.  Nor does it mean that the Father is not pleased with us.

Do you ever confuse success with accomplishing God’s will?  Why is this an easy mistake to make?  How does it feel for you to realize that if you are asked by God to accomplish something that you will be empowered to accomplish it?

Second Thought:

As we go about God’s will, Paul gives us a subtle reminder of three qualities that should envelope our work.  

  • We should have an attitude of patient endurance.  This is an especially poignant point given my first thought for today.  Paul knows the hard life of following God.  Unceasing endurance and patience is very much a necessary quality when following God in this world.  
  • Second, we should have an attitude of joy.  It can be hard to endure.  But the reality is that we are given an opportunity to be in relationship with God that we do not deserve.  Even on our worst day, we know that we are in relationship with God and He can make all things new.  That is reason to have joy.  
  • Finally, we should give thanks.  We are in relationship with Him.  He does invite us into His will and gives us the opportunity to be a part of His will.  We should be thankful.
How easy is it for you to endure under the stress of life?  How joyful are you about doing the will of the Father?  How quick are you to remember to give thanks to God – even in the midst of trouble and strife?

Third Thought:

Paul also reminds the Colossians about our inheritance.  This brings perspective.  We have an inheritance that nobody can take away.  We have the promise of eternal life.  We can have our portion of that promise.  It is a promise shared by all of God’s holy ones.  It is ultimately in this eternal perspective that we truly see how we can endure with joy while giving thanks.

When you think about eternal life, what emotions are evoked?  Do you go through the tasks of life with an eternal perspective?

Passage for Tomorrow: Colossians 1:13-14

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