Sunday, November 16, 2014

2 Corinthians 9:6-9

2 Corinthians 9:6-9
And this is my point: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly.  And the one who sows upon blessing will also reap upon blessing.  Each one has determined ahead of time just as by the heart – not out of regret or necessary obligation.  For God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is powerful enough to abundantly provide all grace in you all in order that while having sufficiency in everything in all times in every way you all should abound every good work, just as it has been written: “He scattered; he gave to the poor.  His righteousness remains into the ages.”

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

It is easy to read the opening words of this passage in the wrong way.  We should not hear Paul saying, “Give a lot so that you will receive a lot back in return.”  Paul is not trying to set up some sort of prosperity gospel like the Prayer of Jabez fad that has swept through Christian culture in the past few decades.  What Paul is saying is that if we hold everything tight in our fists, we will lean on our own strength.  But if we understand that all we have comes from the Lord and give of what He has given us, then we can live trusting that God will give us what we truly need to survive.  Generosity isn’t about receiving, it is about trusting.

Do you give out of blessing?  Do you really live as though God can provide for your needs?

Second Thought:

Paul also stresses that each person should give out of their calling.  Guilt is no good reason to give.  Regret is no good reason to give.  We should give because it comes from who we are as God’s people.  We should be glad about who we are in Christ and then give out of that very reality.

Are you a cheerful giver?  What does it feel like to give cheerfully?

Third Thought:

As Paul closes this section of verses, Paul quotes Psalm 112:9.  But what Paul does through this is to tie righteousness to giving.  Again, Paul isn’t saying that we earn righteousness because of our giving.  This is not a prosperity gospel or even a works-based salvation passage.  What Paul is doing is reminding the Corinthians that when our hearts are aligned with God we will give out of our identity.  When our hearts are aligned with God, we are acting righteously.  One doesn’t bring about the other.  Rather, the two mutually coexist out of the same place of heart.

Do you live in the righteousness of God that endures forever?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 9:10-14

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