Thursday, November 13, 2014

2 Corinthians 8:12-15

2 Corinthians 8:12-15
For if this readiness is clearly evident, it is acceptable to the degree that a person has – not to the degree that a person does not have.  For it is not in order that others are relieved that you are persecuted – but rather out of equality.  In the present time, your abundance is into the ones who are lacking in order that their abundance should become into your need so that equality should become.  Just as it has been written, “The one who had much did not have too much; the one who had little did not have too little.”

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul’s opening point is that if we are eager to be generous, then we do not have to worry about the standard.  If we desire to be generous, then we will out-give the standard of expectation.  The person who is generous is not tabulating if they have given enough or given their duty.  Rather, the person who is generous is giving as they see need, not obligation.

Are you a giver of need or a giver of obligation?  Which is easier?  Which is more righteous?

Second Thought:

Paul then reminds us that we are not asked to give in order that we should be persecuted.  God does not seek to persecute those who have.  Rather, God seeks to use those who have to demonstrate His love a graciousness to the rest of the world that does not have.  It is too easy to get upset at when we are asked to give of what we have because we want to retain our possessions.  But it is more righteous to seek opportunities to put God’s ability to provide on display.

Do you ever see your generosity as an opportunity to put God’s abundance on display?  How does this make generosity better to understand in proper perspective?

Third Thought:

Paul finally quotes Exodus.  The one who has doesn’t have too much.  The one who needs doesn’t have too much need.  In other words, God supplies our needs through the ability of others to give.  This passage is about communal interdependency.  God does not want us to live in isolation.  He does not want us to horde what we have.  Rather, God desires that we learn true community by sharing what we have with those who need so that we can also one day receive from those who have the blessing to give.

Have you ever thought about generosity as a lesson on true community?  In what ways does a lack of generosity in a community help to kill a communal spirit?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 8:16-24

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