Thursday, October 30, 2014

2 Corinthians 5:1-5

2 Corinthians 5:1-5
For we have known that if our earthly home of a tent should be utterly ruined, we have a dwelling place out of God – an eternal house not made by hands in the heavens.  For even in this we deeply groan while desiring to put on our dwelling out of the heavens – if indeed after taking it off we will not be found naked.  For even the ones who are in the tent groan deeply while being burdened – upon which we do not desire to take off but rather to put on – in order that the mortal should be swallowed up by life.  And the one who makes us ready into this same thing is God – the one who gave to us the guarantee of the Spirit.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul’s perspective is rock solid.  Regardless of what happens here on this earth, our eternal future cannot be taken away.  God’s promise is God’s promise.  If we are in Him, then we will be in Him regardless of how much we are persecuted.  There is nothing that the world can do to affect our eternal dwelling place with God.  That is a very comforting thought, allowing us to engage in the world without fear.

Are you comforted when thinking about the status of your eternal life?  Why?  How can keeping your perspective on the eternal help you live boldly?

Second Thought:

As true as Paul’s perspective is, it is also difficult to live in that manner.  Sometimes the world does get to us.  Sometimes we do become worried about the pain of persecution ahead.  Sometimes we get to a place in life where we would rather God return so that this life can be over and the new eternal life with God can begin.  But notice what Paul says about this point.  Even though we might be frustrated and deeply groan while we are living in this age, we do not desire to cast off this life.  God has a job and a purpose for us here in this world.  If nothing else, we can tell others about our relationship with Him.  Rather than desiring to cast off this worldly life, we should be focused instead on putting on Christ even more every day that we are alive in this life.

Do you ever wish for Christ to return so we can get on with eternal life?  Why might this be an easy position to adopt?  How can you stay focused on God’s mission instead of our own persecution in life?

Third Thought:

Once more Paul returns us in his letters to the idea that the Holy Spirit is the down-payment on eternal life.  The presence of the Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we walk with God.  The presence of the Holy Spirit is evidence that God will keep His promises.  In fact, the Holy Spirit is evidence that God is powerful enough to keep His promise to us.  The Holy Spirit is evidence that as Paul says, it is God who makes us ready for eternal life.  We don’t do it, God does!  The Holy Spirit is so much to who we are and what we look forward to in God.

Where do you feel the Holy Spirit in your life?  How do you know what the presence of the Holy Spirit looks like?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

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