Thursday, October 23, 2014

2 Corinthians 3:1-6

2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Do we again commence to give approval of ourselves?  Or do we need – as some need – letters of recommendation to you all or out of you all?  You all are our letters: having been written in our hearts, while being known, while being read by all mankind, while making it clear that you all a letter of Christ, having been rendered service by us, having been written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not in tablets of stone but in tablets of human hearts.  And we have confidence such as this through Christ towards God.  Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to consider anything as out of ourselves – but rather our sufficiency is out of God, who also made us sufficient servants of the new covenant – not the one of letter but the one of Spirit.  For the letter kills; but the Spirit gives life.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul speaks about letters of recommendation in the first half of this passage.  Mind you, Paul is speaking very sarcastically.  We don’t need letters of recommendation; we are about God’s business!  We don’t need other people to validate our work, God validates our work!  We don’t need to get approval from others, God is the best and only true source of approval!

Why do we seek approval from other people?  Why do we care so much about what other people think about ourselves and our credentials?  Are you satisfied with God’s validation?

Second Thought:

Our sufficiency is out of God.  Paul says it rather bluntly and boldly.  None of us can save ourselves.  In fact, none of us can do anything truly commendable without God’s help in our life!  Our sufficiency comes from God.  When we do something well, we should give the glory to God.  When we succeed, the glory goes to God.  As James reminds us, every good and perfect thing comes from God – our sufficiency included.

Do you give God glory often?  How does your life bring God glory and bring praise to His name?

Third Thought:

Paul makes out job clear in the New Covenant.  We are to be people of Spirit, not the Law.  Don’t get me wrong.  Paul isn’t saying that the Law is bad.  But the Law kills.  The Law reveals our sinfulness.  The Law exposes our true nature.  If we focus on the Law, all we will do is grind other people into their imperfection and failure when compared to God!  Rather, we are to be people of the Spirit.  We are to uphold God’s ways in grace and love.  We are to encourage one another in spite of our failings because God is forgiving and loving and capable of redeeming us.

Are you a minister of the New Covenant?  How do you express God’s grace to the world around you?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 3:1-6

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