Friday, October 17, 2014

2 Corinthians 1:12-14

2 Corinthians 1:12-14
For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience – that in sincerity and pure motives of God, not in worldly human wisdom but in the grace of God – that we behaved in the world and all the more towards you all.  For we are not writing to you all anything but what you all read and understand.  And I hope that you all will understand in the end – just as you all even understood us in part – that we are your boasting just as you all are also are ours in the day of our Lord Jesus.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul talks about his motives.  He speaks about being pure and sincere.  The word that Paul uses to talk about the pure motives of God is eilikpineia (ελικρίνεια).  It is a word that is rooted in the idea of something that can be held up to the sun and the sunlight shines right through it.  The word that Paul uses for sincerity (πλότης) is a word that speaks to the character of a person or idea.  If we put this all together, Paul is reminding the Corinthians that the model of his life is one of transparency and in a sincere character.  He is genuine.  He is real.  He wants his model to be visible and able to be imitated.

How transparent is your faith?  How easily is your spirituality imitated?

Second Thought:

If you will allow me to do so for a thought, let’s look at why Paul would even have to write these words. Why is it that Paul would have to say the things here?  The logical conclusion is that the Corinthian people are doubting Paul.  They are questioning Paul’s motives.  In fact, Paul even has to defend what he wrote because people were taking his words out of context!  Paul says these words because he has to defend himself.  Paul has to remind the Corinthians that when he was among them he did everything out in the open and for their benefit.  How sad it is that people in the world see actions done out of genuine love and instead assume poor intention.  I feel bad for Paul.  Here is a man who gave up his life, worked hard for God, preached and taught among them without requiring any kind of financial support, and the people turn on him and put him in a place of having to defend himself.  It is sad.

Why do human beings act this way?  Do you ever accidentally assume a motivation of another person that isn’t real?  Do you ever put people on the defensive when they don’t deserve to be treated that way?

Third Thought:

At the end of this section, Paul reminds the people of Corinth what is important.  What is important is the eternal.  What is important is that in heaven we can boast about how we impact each other’s faith.  The things of this world will pass away.  But in the eternal life of God, we can boast forever in how God used other people to strengthen our faith.  Isn’t it cool to celebrate how God can use imperfect people like us and create a reason for boasting about how God works through us!

How has God used people around you?  How has God used you in the lives of the people around you?

Passage for Tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 1:15-22

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