Saturday, May 24, 2014

John 16:5-11

John 16:5-11
“But now I am going away to the one who sent me, and nobody out of you all asks me, ‘Where are you going?’  But because I have said these things to you all, sorrow has filled your heart.  But I say the truth to you all.  It is an advantage to you all in order that I should go away.  For if I should not go away, the Helper will not come to you all.  But if I should go, I will send Him to you all.  And after that one comes, He will convict the world regarding sin and regarding righteousness and regarding judgment.  In one case regarding sin because they do not believe into me.  In another case regarding righteousness because I am going to the Father and you all will no longer see me.  In another case regarding judgment because the ruler of this world has been condemned.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Jesus knows that some of the things that He has to say bring sorrow to the heart of Jesus’ disciples.  Who wants to think about rejection?  What wants to think about beings ostracized?  Who wants to think about being cast out, arrested, or even killed?  However, Jesus chooses to prepare His disciples even though it makes them sad in the heart rather than let them live in their own bubble unprepared.  So it is with all of His disciples.  We will all be saddened at some point in our walk with God.  We’ll be saddened by what we are asked to give up.  We’ll be saddened by how people respond to God.  It is a part of life; it is a part of choosing God instead of choosing what the world chooses.

When have you experienced sadness because of your faith?  Did you get over it or is it still lingering?

Second Thought:

Jesus tells His disciples that it is better for Him to go so that they can receive the Holy Spirit.  Imagine being one of Jesus’ disciples and hearing these words.  If you get to hear that the guy you’ve given your life to is going away to be replaced by someone else, would you take the deal?  Would you think it a fair trade?  His disciples are being told that they are trading in a real life – flesh and blood – Jesus for a Spirit they do not even know.  I can imagine how it just wouldn’t compute for them at all.  But we know Jesus’ greater plan.  His disciples are going to go all over the world, spreading the message of God’s love.  He cannot be physically with them all.  Thus it is truly better that Jesus leave and the Holy Spirit come.

Would you trade in a real flesh and blood Jesus for the Holy Spirit?  Do you ever get frustrated that you can’t see Jesus face-to-face?  How does that show our humanity rather than our willingness to abide with the Father and do His will?

Third Thought:

Jesus tells His disciples that the Holy Spirit will do three things. 
  • The first thing is regarding sin.  They have not believed Jesus, nor believed in Him.  In a very real sense, the conviction of the Holy Spirit is that Jesus went to the cross because of our sinfulness.  Why did Jesus die?  Because the Jewish leaders did not believe in Him.  Why do we sin?  Because we believe in the lies of the world more than the truth of Jesus. 
  • The Holy Spirit also is to witness to righteousness.  The fact that Jesus goes to Father immediately is a sign of His righteousness.  We die and go to the graves, waiting for Jesus’ return so that we might become righteous and go to heaven.  Jesus went to heaven immediately because He was already righteous. 
  • The third thing the Holy Spirit does is come regarding judgment.  The ruler of this world – sin and the Devil – has already been judged and found lacking.  When we follow the world, we approve of the crucifixion and killing Jesus.  That demonstrates our guilt.  When we turn to Christ, we see that His shame turns to His glory and through His righteousness we are also made righteous and become free of the condemnation.

Where are you convicted of sin?  Where is the Holy Spirit trying to bring about Christ’s righteousness in you?  Where do you stand condemned but find yourself released from judgment?

Passage for Tomorrow: John 16:12-15

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