Wednesday, March 26, 2014

John 6:60-65

John 6:60-65
Therefore after many out of His disciples heard they said, “This is a demanding word.  Who is powerful enough to hear it?”  But Jesus, having known in Himself that His disciples grumble against this, said to them, “Does this scandalize you?  Therefore, what if you should see the Son of Man while ascending to where He was before?  The Spirit is the one who gives life.  The flesh is no help at all.  The words that I have spoken to you all are Spirit and life.  But some who do not believe are out of you all.”  For Jesus had known from the beginning who are the ones who do not believe and who was the one who will hand Him over.  And He said, “Because of this I have said to you all that no one is powerful enough to come to me unless it is having been given to Him out of the Father.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Scandal.  It’s such an awesome word to be found in this passage.  Jesus looks to His disciples, knowing that many of them were about to leave His side, and says, “Are you scandalized?”  Jesus is calling the people out.  Just how much are they willing to pursue the truth?  Are they really willing to question what they’ve been traditionally taught in order to discern a deep teaching?  At the very heart of these verses is a very serious question.  Which of His disciples are willing to deal with the scandal of Jesus and the coming death of God’s Messiah?

Are you willing to be scandalized for the sake of Christ?  In what way is believing in Christ a bit of a scandal?  Why might the world look at Christianity as a scandal?

Second Thought:

Jesus tells His disciples that the Spirit is the one who gives life.  The flesh is nothing.  When we go through life, if we are living out the calling of the Spirit, then we will have sustenance and feel fulfilled.  But if we go about our life living just for the sake of staying alive and having another day to ourselves, we are no longer really living at all.  Life is not about ourselves and our own agenda.  It is the Spirit who gives life.  Life is about getting our identity from God and living it out.

What is your identity?  From where does it come?  Does your life bear the truth that the Spirit gives life?

Third Thought:

I truly have to give Jesus credit here.  He knows that there are those who will reject Him and His message.  Knowing that, He still talks to them.  He still engages them.  He still does not chase them away.  Jesus keeps the door open; allowing people to leave Him if they so choose.  It would have been so easy for Jesus to push people away.  He does not do that.

What does it say to you that Jesus does not push people away?  Why is it easy to push people away when they do not desire to listen or even like you?

Passage for Tomorrow: John 6:66-71

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