Friday, March 21, 2014

John 6:28-33

John 6:28-33
Therefore they said to Him, “What should we do in order that we should engage in the work of God?”  Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, in order that you all should believe into that one whom He sent.”  Therefore they said to Him, “Then what sign do you do in order that we should see and believe you? What work do you engage in?  Our Fathers ate manna in the wilderness just as it is written, ‘He gave to them bread out of heaven to eat.’”  Therefore, Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen.  I say to you all that Moses had not given bread to you all out of heaven.  But my Father gives to you all true bread out of heaven.  For the bread of God is the one who comes out of heaven and who gives life to the world.”

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Notice that the Jews focus on the work portion of Jesus’ answer from yesterday rather than the promise of eternal life.  This demonstrates the focus of the Jews and their belief that following the Law and doing good things gets them into salvation.  They want to engage in the work of God, not live in His eternal life and work out of that grace.  Yet, we are not at all innocent of the same claim.  We come to God and often bargain with our effort.  We promise God obedience in exchange for supernatural results.  We think we can earn God’s favor.  The human tendency is to evaluate based upon our works rather than upon God’s grace.

When do you have an easier time looking to works instead of looking through the lens of grace?  When do you try to earn God’s love rather than receiving it as a free gift?

Second Thought:

When Jesus mentions that the Jews must believe, the Jews hear this as a comment directed to the Messiah.  They hear Jesus claiming Himself to be the Messiah.  Therefore, they ask for proof.  They remind Jesus about the manna in the wilderness under Moses.  This is no doubt this is in reference to the feeding that occurred the prior day.  The problem for them was that the manna in the desert with Moses was clearly divine in origin.  The bread that Jesus provided the prior day started with earthly loaves.  The Jewish leaders focused on the earthly elements of Jesus’ sign and because of that they missed the divine element of Jesus’ work completely.  Unfortunately for Jesus, they saw what they wanted to see rather than what God was actually doing.

When has God been at work in your life and you focused on the worldly things instead?  Why is it easy to miss God’s hand at work when we look for what we think it should look like?

Third Thought:

Jesus’ answer to the inquiry of the Jewish leaders is profound.  First, Jesus reminds them that it was not Moses who gave them bread but God.  It is God’s hand that is important in our life.  Second, Jesus reminds the Jewish leaders that true bread comes out of heaven and satisfies people.  He is speaking of Himself, of course.  The bread from the feeding of the five thousand won’t last the people.  But the salvation that comes from God – Jesus Christ – will satisfy people forever.  Jesus Christ is the answer for the rest of the world.  He does not grow weak and powerless and ineffective.  He is the true bread whose benefits last forever.

How does following Jesus Christ give lasting benefits forever?  Do you find yourself able to focus on the everlasting fruit that comes from the work of God’s Messiah?

Passage for Tomorrow: John 6:34-40

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