Sunday, December 22, 2013

Romans 8:18-22


For I consider that the suffering of this present time is of no worth with respect to the glory that is about to be revealed into us.  For the eager expectation of the creation looks forward to the revelation of the sons of God.  For the creation was being submitted to futility, not willingly but through the one who brings under control, upon hope that creation itself will also be set free from the slavery of decay into the glory of the children of God.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul now sets up a comparison between now and the future.  Life now – and the suffering brought upon us – is nothing when compared to what is to come.  Nothing bad that happens in this world will compare to the glory that will come in the future.  There simply isn’t any comparison.  Sin will not compare to righteousness.  Pain will not compare to glory.  Fear will not compare to joy.  Death will not compare to eternal life. This world may have difficult days, but each of these days will be worthwhile.

Is it difficult to endure the suffering of this world while knowing that glory comes to those who endure?  Where can we find strength?  What do you think life eternal with God will be like?

Second Thought:

Paul tells us that creation looks forward to the day that the sons of God will come into their glory.  There is a reason for this.  Creation is caught in decay.  Think about it and it will make sense.  Every day lived is a day each of us gets older and cannot get back.  Machines wear and break down.  Iron rusts until it has no strength.  Species cross into extinction.  Even rock and concrete is worn down by weather and brought to decay.  This world is a world of decay.  Scientists even tell us that one day our sun will burn out and life on this planet will have to cease.  Everything that is a part of this creation eventually experiences decay.

Do you find this to be a depressing topic?  Is it true?  Is it real?  How do you deal with the truth presented in this thought?

Third Thought:

Because of this perspective, creation longs for the day when God’s glory will be revealed upon mankind.  After all, what hope does creation have except that when we are brought into glory that it will also be brought into glory?  Creation hopes that as we are transformed from sin and decay into glory that God will do the same with it.  God is their only hope.  As we hope that God will do to us as He did to Christ, so creation hopes that God will also do to it as He will do to us.

How does this part of Paul’s argument shape your thoughts regarding creation?  Do you look upon creation with sympathy?  Mercy?  Grace?  How does this reflect upon how God sees us?

Passage for Tomorrow: Romans 8:23-25

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