Thursday, December 12, 2013

Romans 7:13-14


Therefore, was the good thing death to me?  Let it not be so!  But sin, in order that sin should be revealed, produced death in me through the good thing, in order that sin should become sinful according to a far greater degree through the commandment.  For we have known that the Law is spiritual, but I am flesh having been sold under sin. 

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul now asks if the Law is to be blamed for bringing about death.  After all, yesterday he said that before the Law came we were not recognized as being in sin.  Paul then says, “Let it not be so!”  What is the cliché that we say in modern ages?  Ignorance of the law is no excuse of the law.  An action that is wrong is still wrong whether I know it is wrong or not.  My understanding does not change the moral quality of my action.  All my understanding may change is the consequences suffered from my action.  But the action is still wrong.  The Law didn’t suddenly make me sinful and bring about death.  Rather, the Law exposes my sinful nature for what it is and makes me realize just how much my flesh really does deserve death.

As I asked earlier, why is it easy to blame the law instead of our own sinful flesh?  Why do we as human beings like to try and find excuses rather than accepting blame where it belongs?

Second Thought:

Now that we truly understand that the problem is not with the Law but rather with ourselves, we can push forward.  Notice what Paul says that that Law actually accomplished.  The Law makes sin become sinful according to a far greater degree.  Through the Law, we understand sin to a much deeper level.  We not only see it as wrong, but we can understand why it is wrong and we can glimpse all of the ramifications of our sinful behavior.  It is like a little child who is told not to eat the cookies cooling down on the counter.  After being told, it is wrong for the child to eat them.  But if the child is told to not eat them because they are for his party later on in the day and if any are eaten there won’t be enough for the party it becomes clear just how sinful the act is.  The Law helps us not only understand right and wrong but also consequences and ramifications.  The Law helps us see sin in its full destructive nature, not just simple right versus wrong.

Do you always like to face consequences?  Do you always like to know the consequences before you do something?  How should knowing the consequences make it harder to sin?

Third Thought:

As we close these verses and prepare for the ones to come tomorrow, Paul makes a great comparison.  The Law is spiritual; I am flesh.  The Law is perfect from God; I am sold under sin.  The Law is a perfect guide; I am a slave in bondage to sin.  That is the reality in which I find myself.  That is why I need God to save me and why I cannot save myself.

Where are you in bondage?  Where in your life is it clear you are flesh and not spirit?

Passage for Tomorrow: Romans 7:15-17

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