Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mark 15:1-5


As soon as it was morning, the religious leaders held council once more.  They decided to bind Jesus and take Him to Pilate.  Pilate asks Jesus if He is the King of the Jews.  Jesus replies to Pilate that it is a confession that Pilate has made.  Once more the religious leaders make a charge against Jesus.  Once more Jesus is silent.  Pilate asks Jesus if He plans to make no defense against their accusations.  Pilate is amazed when Jesus does make no defense.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

The religious leaders wait until morning to take Jesus to Pilate.  Knowing what I know about the law of the Sanhedrin, I am willing to bet that this was done to “save face.”  Remember, the law of the Sanhedrin was that they could only meet during the day.  Thus, while publically dealing with Jesus they would do it during the day.  They give the appearance to the crowds in the temple that they are abiding by their rules.  But we know from the story that the prior night had all been contrary to their own governance.

Why do people who break the laws still try and give a public perception that there is nothing strange or unusual happening?  Why do people often pursue public perception instead of truth?

Second Thought:

Notice that Jesus does not take ownership to being the King of the Jews.  He has owned up to being the Son of God.  We saw that earlier when Jesus was being tried the prior night.  But Jesus does not claim to be the King of the Jews.  You see, God’s Messiah is not just to be the King of the Jews.  God’s Messiah is to be the one who restores the relationship between all of creation and the Creator.  Yes, the Messiah is the King of the Jews.  But the Messiah is so much more than that.

What is the Messiah to you?  What is Jesus to you?  How would your life be different if Jesus was merely the King of the Jews?

Third Thought:

Pilate is amazed by Jesus.  He does not come to believe in Him in this story, although historically speaking church tradition is that Pilate does become a follower of Jesus.  But Pilate is amazed that one person would be willing to take so much abuse and not lash out.  Again we see the love of Jesus.  Only someone who loved His friends as well as His enemies could take this kind of abuse and not lash out.  This is what makes Jesus amazing in my book.  This is why Pilate is amazed at Jesus as well.

Do you lash out against those who come against you?  Why is reacting in opposition the easy thing to do?  How good are you at loving your enemies and displaying love towards them?

Passage for Tomorrow: Mark 15:6-15

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