Monday, July 1, 2013

Mark 13:14-23

Jesus says that the big clue for the end of the age is when the “abomination of desolation” is standing where he ought not to be.  Then those who are in Judea need to flee.  In fact, when that happens judgment is so close that we are told not to even go into our house to grab valuables or our cloak.  We are simply to flee as fast as possible.  It will be miserable for all, and especially hard for those who are pregnant or have to care for nursing infants.  It will be even worse in the winter.  For in those days there will be greater suffering than has ever been known to man.  The suffering will be so great that God will have to cut short the days in order for anyone to even survive.  In that time of great persecution, we will have to be on the careful lookout to not be led astray.  For in the time of persecution will rise up and perform great and mighty deeds in order to lead people astray from the truth.  We are to be careful.  We have been properly warned beforehand.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

The abomination of desolation is a very obscure concept in this story.  The idea comes from Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11.  In Daniel, the abomination that makes things desolate has to do with profaning God’s temple and the sacrifices.  Regarding Daniel, this was accomplished by Antiochus Epiphanes IV.  Many people thus interpret this passage as meaning in the end times the Jews will rebuild the temple and it will be defiled in a similar manner as to what Antiochus Epiphanes IV did prior to the time of Jesus.  That is certainly a possibility.  For me, I believe what is important is the concept that before the time of judgment God’s ways will be defiled by the world.  The things that are holy to the Lord will be sullied and tainted.  People who claim to be following God will be led astray.  Before judgment comes, the world will have its day of profaning the things of God.

Why is the world rebellious against God?  What fundamentally stands between the world and following God’s ways?  Why does the world feel the need to profane the things of God?

Second Thought:

Jesus is quite certain that there will be suffering.  The suffering will be great.  In fact, the suffering will be so great that God will need to relent before everyone is destroyed.  This is no matter to take lightly.  The days leading up to judgment will be difficult beyond belief.  In fact, Jesus says that suffering like will happen in those days will be unmatched.  Remember, we a people who believe in the flood in the days of Noah.  We believe in the stories of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We believe in the plagues God sent to Egypt.  Yet, none of those stories will match the suffering that will happen at the close of this age.

How are you reacting to this reading today?  Why do you think such suffering will come to the world?  Do you think you would be able to persevere such a time with your faith intact?  If so, why?  If not, what does this tell you?

Third Thought:

The end of this passage is quite the gut check.  Jesus tells us to be on our guard.  We have been properly warned.  Here’s what I hear Jesus saying here: “Ignorance is no excuse.”  He has warned us.  We have God’s Word to guide us.  If we choose to not abide and know God’s Word, we shall not receive a “pass” because “it’s too hard to understand.”  If we fall prey to a false prophet who comes and is not from the Lord, shame on us.  This is all the more reason to take our spiritual devotion seriously.

How would you honestly evaluate your ability to know a false prophet from a real person from God?  How easily can you be deceived?  What can you do hear the warning of Jesus and be prepared?

Passage for Tomorrow: Mark 13: 24-27

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