Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mark 13:5-8


When asked about the days of destruction, Jesus’ first comment is that the disciples not allow themselves to be led astray.  Many will come in Christ’s name and claim to be Christ.  They will lead many astray.  Jesus tells His disciples that there will be war.  There will be rumor of war.  But they are not to be afraid for the time is not yet ready.  Nation will rise against nation.  Kingdom will rise against kingdom.  Earthquakes and other natural disasters will happen.  But this is just the beginning.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Jesus’ first words regarding the end are a caution against being led astray.  We know the end will come when the world rebels against God.  As the world rebels against God, it will be easier to “go along” with how everyone else is thinking.  The closer we draw to the end, the easier it will be to be led astray because the popular opinion will be pointed in that direction.  Jesus is displaying the wisdom of God in cautioning His disciples to be careful they are not led astray as the first thing He says.

Why do human beings care so much about popular opinion?  Why is it difficult to truly think for yourself in today’s age of social media, television, internet, and cell phones?  Why is it difficult to help others to be able to think for themselves in today’s day and age?  How important do you think this message should be in the church?

Second Thought:

Jesus warns of other people coming and claiming to be Him.  Now, this isn’t to be taken too literally.  We aren’t looking for people who are claiming to be Jesus Christ reincarnated.  Instead, we are to be wary of people who come and claim to teach truth apart from Him.  We are to be wary of people who come bringing peace that is not from God.  We are to be wary of people who come with “answers” to how we should live that are apart from God.  There are scores of people in the world now and throughout history who have stepped forth and said, “I have the answer.”  Most of those people had an answer that led people away from God.  Those are the ones of whom we are to be wary.

Can you think of people in the past who have come claiming to have peace or truth apart from God?  Can you think of people in the present that fit that description?  Why should we be wary of them?  What about them makes them so attractive in listening to their thoughts?

Third Thought:

Jesus also tells us that there will be war.  There will be arguments.  There will be natural disasters.  We are not to worry.  That’s just the beginning, not the end.  I find this really profound.  How many times when Hurricane Katrina hit did you hear people talking about the fact this it was a sign of the end?  When operation Desert Storm started in Kuwait against Iraqi forces, did you hear people talking about it possibly being the end of the world and the coming of Armageddon?  Jesus tells us that such signs are only the beginning, not the end.  Human beings will always make war with each other.  The earth – just by the violent nature of creation – is a place where occasionally the power of nature is demonstrated in a most destructive manner.

Why do people tend to get worked up over things that from a creation standpoint are really just a natural part of the process?  How much does humanity really enjoy “buying into the hype?”  How much do you enjoy “buying into the hype?”

Passage for Tomorrow: Mark 13: 9-13

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