Friday, June 7, 2013

Mark 10:32-34


Once more Jesus gets on the road with His disciples and continues the final journey towards Jerusalem.  Jesus walked ahead of the group for a while, and people continued to be amazed.  Jesus brought the Twelve together and taught them about what was to come.  Jesus said that they would go to Jerusalem.  Jesus would be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes.  Jesus said that He would be condemned and handed over to the Gentiles.  The Gentiles would mock Him, spit on Him, abuse Him, and kill Him.  After three days, He would rise from the dead.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Jesus gets back on the road and follows the will of God.  What an incredible story to immediately follow the extended story of the young, enthusiastic, and wealthy man who decides not to follow Jesus.  The young man couldn’t part with His stuff, so He parted with Jesus.  Here Jesus demonstrates what it looks like to decide to not part with God.  It means sacrificing your stuff.  Jesus intentionally walks toward Jerusalem knowing that it would be the cross that waits for Him there.  In life, we all face these kinds of choices. 

Do you want your stuff and your way of life or do you want God?  What can you learn from juxtaposing the young man from the earlier story and Jesus?

Second Thought:

Once more we see Jesus teach about His future.  He knew the disciples hadn’t really understood Him the first two times.  He probably also knew they wouldn’t get it this time, either.  But what Jesus knew was that if He said it often enough, there would come a time when it would make sense to them.  If Jesus told them enough about His death, they would remember His words.  Even if it only made sense after the fact, it would eventually sink into their heads.  Sometimes teachers must teach knowing that the information being transmitted will only make sense after an experience enlightens the disciple.

What lessons in your life have you learned that only really made sense after you also had a certain amount of experience to go with them?  Why do you think some lessons only make sense when mixed with experience?  What should that tell us about being willing to be humble and submit?  What should that tell us about the importance of finding a spiritual mentor who can see the road we are walking and prepare us for that journey?

Third Thought:

Imagine being a disciple and hearing Jesus talk about His death.  Imagine how confusing that must have been.  These disciples believed Jesus was the Messiah; they didn’t think God’s Messiah could ever “lose.”  They surely must have been more confused by this teaching than upset by it.  Yet, they still journey with Jesus in amazement.

What does this show us about the character of the disciples?  What spiritual traits are they displaying in listening to Jesus talk about His upcoming death?

Passage for Tomorrow: Mark 10:35-40

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