Monday, June 10, 2013

Mark 10:46-48


Jesus and His disciples come to Jericho.  As Jesus left Jericho, He had his disciples and a great crowd in tow.  Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting beside the road.  When Bartimaeus heard that the person walking by was Jesus, he began to cry out loudly to Jesus.  He said, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”  Many people rebuked him and told him to be quiet.  But the more they chastised him, the more loudly he cried out for the Son of David to have mercy upon him.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem.  Jericho was only about 15 miles away.  He drew closer to His destiny.  The road ran right through Jericho.  Yet Jesus did not stop in Jericho.  Literally as Mark tells the story, Jesus comes to Jericho and then He leaves.  His destination is now solidly on His mind.  His focus is narrowing.  The path to the cross is becoming more and more clear.

What do you think Jesus thought about and felt as He drew near to Jerusalem?  How do you think Jesus’ demeanor may have changed?  How does your demeanor change as you become more and more focused on life?

Second Thought:

The crowd attempted to silence Bartimaeus.  They likely didn’t think Bartimaeus was worth spending time upon.  They made a snap decision that assumed that Jesus’ teaching was far more important than the wailing of a simple beggar.  Perhaps they didn’t want Bartimaeus to make a fool of himself or their city.  For whatever reason, the world attempts to dampen Bartimaeus’ enthusiasm.

When have you ever felt the world squish your enthusiasm?  Why do you think this happens? How do you normally respond when the world tries to put out the fire within you?

Third Thought:

Bartimaeus will not be silent.  He wants out of his world of darkness – literally and spiritually.  He wants to meet this Son of David – God’s Messiah.  Bartimaeus’ response to his proximity to Jesus was immediate, thorough, and passionate.  While other people may have said, “I’ll see Jesus when the crowd is less” or “I’ll catch Him next time through Jericho,” Bartimaeus knows the time is now.

What timeframe do you put God on?  Have you ever put God on the back burner when He didn’t deserve it?  Have you ever responded passionately to what God is doing in your life?  What makes you respond one way or the other?

Passage for Tomorrow: Mark 10:49-52

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