Monday, January 21, 2013

Hebrews 11:26-28

Summary retelling of Hebrews 11:26-28

Moses decided that he would rather be spoken of disparagingly and be on God’s side than to have access to all the wealth of Egypt.  Moses was looking for the real reward.  Moses stepped out in faith in leaving Egypt – knowing full well that Pharaoh’s anger would burn against him – because Moses had his eye on the invisible.  Moses had faith in God’s promise that the sprinkling of blood on the doorposts would keep them safe from the “Destroyer” sent from God.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
Moses shows an incredible perspective.  He could have had all he wanted.  He could have lived a life of luxury.  He could have been prominent in the land of Egypt if he wanted.  But instead, Moses chose to be scorned by mankind so that he could lead God’s people through the wilderness and to the Promised Land.  For Moses, the invisible promises of God were always more important than the visible treasure of this world.

What are the invisible promises of God?  How does a person maintain focus on these promises instead of the things of this world?

Second Thought:
Moses was also not afraid of the anger of mankind.  When Moses brought God’s words in Pharaoh’s court, he angered him every time.  When Moses led the people out of Egypt, Pharaoh’s anger burned against him.  However, Moses was not afraid of Pharaoh’s anger; instead he had faith in God’s plan.  Moses knew that God could protect him from Pharaoh’s wrath when it came.

How difficult is it to depend on God’s protection when we knew we are going to incur the wrath of human beings?  Why do we tend to incur the wrath of human beings around us if we follow God?

Third Thought:
Moses also believed in the power of blood to save.  This is an incredible moment of faith for Moses.  Moses knew that God was going to send an angel of death among the Egyptians.  The firstborn would die.  The only thing separating the Hebrew people from the angel of death was blood.  Yet Moses believed God’s words.

In what way is Moses faith in blood symbolic of the Christian’s belief in the blood of Jesus Christ?  What is it that separates us from judgment and condemnation in death?

Passage for Tomorrow: Hebrews 11:29-31


Leandra said...

It seems that the "Blood of the Lamb" have rescued those who believe in God (who do not really deserve it) multiple times. Are these two passages' symbolically written to reflect each other? If that question makes sense...

PJ said...

Which two passages? Hebrews and Exodus?

Leandra said...

Yeah Hebrews and Exodus

PJ said...

Yes. Absolutely.

The Passover was given to the Hebrew people as a sign of their deliverance. The blood of the lamb was a symbolic gesture of their salvation from God.

As Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples, it becomes clear that Jesus is the true "Passover Lamb." Jesus' death on the cross is not symbolic of our salvation. It is our salvation.

Does that make sense?