Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hebrews 10:23-25

Summary retelling of Hebrews 10:23-25

Therefore, we hold fast to our confession of our hope without hesitation, because God is faithful.  Since we know God’s faithfulness, we should encourage one another to love and to do good things in response.  We should continue to meet, worship God together, and encourage one another – although some give up that behavior – especially as the day of Christ’s return draws inevitably closer.

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
God is faithful.  He promised a Messiah and He delivered Christ.  Through Christ, God promised us the way to salvation.  We have absolutely no reason to not believe that God can deliver on that promise.  God has yet to fail on any promise that He has ever made.

Do you ever doubt God?  Why is doubt natural within us?  How hard is it to train ourselves to not doubt when it comes to God and His promises?

Second Thought:
Since God is so faithful, we should continue to gather in His name and worship Him.  Yes, it can be about obedience.  But we should be willing to be obedient.  We will never know when Christ will come back for us or when our life will come to an end.  We should be diligent in not putting off our response to Him.

What do you think God calls you to do in response to Him?  How easy is it to do what God desires of you?

Third Thought:
We need to encourage one another.  The simple truth is that when we are alone we tend to slack off.  However, when we are with one another and in the company of one another we can be strong because we can encourage each other.  Sometimes we can encourage one another through guilt.  Sometimes we can use reason.  Sometimes we can use personal excitement.  But the point is that we should be encouraging one another into a stronger relationship with God.

How do spiritual people around you encourage you?  What methods work?  What methods don’t work?  How can you encourage others around you?  Do you think God is calling you to encourage other people in the faith?

Passage for Tomorrow: Hebrews 10:26-31


Leandra said...

This whole blog are things that I had been struggling with for quite sometime. I was wresting internally about my Faith and what I could believe. When I finally realized I had been running far and fast and that God is still faithful to me anyway it was like -mind blown- peeewwww...

PJ said...

Yeah. I am always amazed too when I realize places I've been running from God. The trick, though, is actually being willing to realize it. It is so easy to want to close our eyes to what we don't want God to have influence over!

And as you say .. even then He is still faithful.