Thursday, August 28, 2014

1 Corinthians 7:20-24

1 Corinthians 7:20-24
Each one in the calling that he was being called, in this let him remain.  A slave was being called – do not let it be a concern to you.  But if you are powerful enough to also to become free, make us of the opportunity instead!  For the slave who is being called in the Lord is a free person of the Lord.  In the same manner a free person who is being called is a slave of Christ.  You all were being bought with a price!  Do not become slaves of men.  Each in that which he was called, brothers, in that let him remain with God. 

Thoughts for Today
First Thought:
The first principle of this passage is to be a follower of God wherever you are.  If we are a person of low position in society – the lowest of which would be a slave – we are not to be concerned about it.  There is nothing wrong with recognizing that the lowest in a society are fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!  God does not see us through our lens of class or place in society.  God see us through Christ.  We should be willing to do the same.  Nobody should be made to feel as though they do not measure up within our gatherings.

Have you ever heard or felt as though someone would not measure up?  Why do human gatherings tend to emphasize or class, social position, the way we dress, etc?

Second Thought:
Putting aside the spiritual argument against the lens of class, Paul does encourage slaves to buy their freedom.  This isn’t really an argument against slavery, although I do think it is fair to say that society is generally better without the concept of slavery being a part of it.  Rather, this is an argument about priorities.  A slave must do the work of the master.  If a master asks a slave to do something that violates his faith, the slave then is in a conundrum.  However, we who are free can truly be accountable for our own choices – recognizing that we all make bad choices occasionally.  But it is always best to be free to act as God calls us rather than have to worry about the agendas of others.

When have you been in a position to feel conflict between God’s calling and the calling of others?  How can you live your life so this happens as little as possible?

Third Thought:
That being said, there is a greater overarching truth.  While we strive to be free with respect to humanity, we are by default slaves in Christ.  We are here to advance the kingdom of God.  That is our calling.  In fact, that is why we seek to be free in this world.  The freer we are in this world, the more we can be subject to God and do His will.

Are you God’s slave?  What does that mean to you?  Do you really want to think about yourself as a slave of God?

Passage for Tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31

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