Wednesday, August 27, 2014

1 Corinthians 7:17-19

1 Corinthians 7:17-19
But only to each person as the Lord assigned particular responsibility, each one as God has called.  And in this manner I command in all churches.  If someone was being called after being circumcised, do not let him undo his circumcision!  If someone is having been called in uncircumcision, do not let him be circumcised!  Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing.  Rather, obedience of the commandments of God is.   

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

We now move to a really powerful teaching here in Paul’s letter – a teaching that often gets forgotten in many Christian gatherings.  Paul advises people to live and do as God has called them to live and do.  Paul advises people to take the responsibilities that the Lord Himself assigns to them.  So often we do more than God asks of us.  We do this for many reasons, actually.  We do it because we are made to feel guilty and do more than we should.  We do it because we want our church to be able to compete with what other churches are doing.  We do it because we don’t want to disappoint other people.  We have many reasons for living beyond what God has called us to do.  Unfortunately, that’s just not right.  Do what God calls you to do.  Focus on that.  Live that out.

What are you doing not because God asked you to do it but because someone else asked you to do it?  What are you doing because you think it needs to be done regardless of whether God asked you to do it or not?  How can you stop doing things that God has not asked you to do?

Second Thought:

Paul’s advise to the circumcised and the uncircumcised may seem a bit shocking, especially if we remember where it is that Paul had his roots.  Remember, he was an up-and-coming Pharisee.  He knew the Jewish law.  Imagine how far God had to move his spirituality in order for him to say, “remain uncircumcised” to anyone!  This is the power of God.  Human beings like to dig in our heels.  We hate change.  We like to have things figured out so that we can properly put everything in a box.  Actually, we like to have God in a box, don’t we?  But when God comes among us, we feel ourselves pulled out of that box.  Paul was pulled way out of that box.

Where has God pulled you out of your box?  Do you embrace that or resist it?  Why?

Third Thought:

I love the simplicity of 1 Corinthians 7:19, even if the grammar in the Greek is horrible!  Paul is clear.  What is important is that we are obedient to what God asks us to do.  It really is a repeat of the first verse of this section and the first point that I make.  Listen to what God calls you to do and do that.  If it means you partake in particular rituals, celebrate it.  If it means that you don’t, celebrate that, too.  There is no magic mantra that guarantees closeness to God.  What guarantees closeness to God is having a position on humbleness while being willing to listen and then following His calling.

Are you obedient to God?  What does obedience mean to you?  How can you live in a position of even more obedience?

Passage for Tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 7:20-24

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