Wednesday, June 4, 2014

John 18:25-27

John 18:25-27
And Peter was having stood and having warmed himself.  Therefore they said to him, “You also are not out of His disciples?”  That one denied it and said, “I am not.”  One out of the slaves of the high priest – while being a relative of the one that Peter cut off the ear – says, “Did I not see you in the garden with Him?”  Therefore again Peter denied it, and immediately a rooster crowed.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Let’s take a look at what Peter is doing here.  Yes, he is denying participation in Christ’s ministry.  But don’t look so deeply.  Peter is standing by the fire.  He has already denied Christ once because he hung out with these people.  Since he continues to hang out with them, it shouldn’t surprise us that they continue to ask him about it.  Because he chooses to stay in that place, he continues to be in a place in his life where he can deny Christ.  There is a very simple lesson to learn here.  If you are in a place of temptation, get out!  If you remain in a place of temptation, you get what you deserve!

What might Peter have done after the first time he denied Christ after being questioned about knowing Jesus?  What would you have done if you were torn between discovering what happens to Jesus and knowing that people would ask you about Him?

Second Thought:

Notice this last person who speaks to Peter.  He is a relative of Malchus, the guy that Peter cut off the ear in the Garden of Gethsemane.  You would think that a relative of Malchus would not forget the face of his assailant!  Here is a man who knows Peter was there.  His question actually tells us that he is expecting an affirmative answer – most likely in the form of a confession.  Rather than Peter confessing what everyone else around the fire already knows, he continues to deny Christ to save his own skin.  He is handed an opportunity to claim Christ – Malchus even expects him to admit it – but he doesn’t.  This is humanity.  Sometimes we just don’t have it within us to make the right decision.

Have you ever been in a place where you couldn’t do the right thing?  Why couldn’t you?  What gets in your way for truly standing up for the right thing?

Third Thought:

The rooster crowed.  Immediately Peter knows what he’s done.  He remembers Christ’s words from earlier that night.  Jesus knew what would happen; Peter was blind to his own humanity.  Here he gets to experience that first hand.  In this manner, this experience is actually a blessing for Peter.  Peter gets an opportunity to see who he really is.  That gives him an opportunity to grow and work on his character.  Yes, this is a very low place for Peter.  But at the same time this is a great place for Peter to become well rounded.  It is a great place for Peter’s character to deepen.

When you find yourself struggling in sin, how do you react?  Do you rebel and deny your human sinfulness or do you rise above your sinfulness and begin the process of character reformation?

Passage for Tomorrow: John 18:28-32

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