Friday, February 7, 2014

Romans 15:4-7


For whatever was being written beforehand, it was being written into our instruction in order that we should have hope through patient endurance and through the encouragement of scripture.  May the God of hope and encouragement grant to you all this same thing – to think in each other according to Jesus Christ – in order that with one mind in one voice you all should glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore receive one another just as Christ also received you all into the glory of God.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul teaches here that scripture is written for our sake.  Scripture gives us encouragement.  Many people actually miss this point.  Some people think that scripture is the key to understanding how creation happened from a scientific perspective.  Other people think that scripture is the key to uncovering God’s means for bringing about the end of the world.  Paul knows the truth.  God gave us scripture so that we might hear the stories of faith and human sinfulness and be encouraged in the midst of our own struggles.  Scripture is written for our encouragement, not for us to discover the full mystery of God’s knowledge.

Does God’s Word encourage you?  What relationship do you have with God’s Word?

Second Thought:

Paul also reminds us that we are to receive others.  Sometimes it is difficult for us to receive other people and welcome them into our midst.  But Jesus Christ welcomed us when we were less than favorable.  If Jesus Christ can take us in the midst of our worst and receive us, certainly we can do the same with others.

How does it feel to be reminded of your welcome in Christ?  Can this inspire you to welcome others?  Who in your life gives you difficulty in welcoming them?

Third Thought:

Finally, Paul puts all of this into perspective.  It is about bringing glory to God.  We receive hope to God’s glory.  We receive patient endurance into God’s glory.  Christ received us into God’s glory.  We receive one another into God’s glory.  The focus is God’s glory.  It is He that matters.

Is God your focus?  How much does glorifying God matter to you?

Passage for Tomorrow: Romans 15:8-13

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