Thursday, November 21, 2013

Romans 4:16-17


Because of this it is out of faithfulness in order that it is according to grace and that the promise is secure for all the descendants.  It is not only for the descendants out of the Law but also for the descendants out of the faithfulness of Abraham, who is the father of all of us.  Just as it has been written, “I have caused you to be the father of many nations.”  In the presence of Him he believed God, who gives life to the dead and who summons the things that are not as though they are.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul talks about the need for grace and the promise to be secure.  This is another rather astute point for Paul.  If salvation depends upon our obedience then it is never secure.  The loss of salvation is always one mistake away if it depends upon my character.  In order for salvation to truly be secure, it cannot come from anything that we do.  In order for salvation to be secure, it must depend upon God’s character and what God can do.  In order for salvation to be secure, it cannot come from the Law but only through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ which is credited to those who humble themselves before God.

Have you ever struggled with the security of your salvation?  Why is it easy to doubt – especially if we are in a mindset of earning God’s love?  Why does it make sense that salvation must be a gift given by God and received by us even though we don’t deserve it?

Second Thought:

Again Paul reminds us of the relationship between God and Abraham.  God came to Abraham and extended relationship.  Abraham received it.  God promised to Abraham that he would be the father of many.  Abraham believed it.  Abraham did not earn the promise.  He did not demonstrate his greatness before God in order to evoke an outpouring of God’s blessing.  Rather, Abraham received what God poured out of His own character.  Abraham accepted that it wasn’t through his own greatness but through God’s greatness.  Abraham believed God when God came to him.

How has God come to you?  What promises has God made to you?  Do you believe God?

Third Thought:

Paul reminds us of the character of God.  God gives life to the dead.  God is powerful enough to bring into existence the things that do not exist.  God created life out of nothing.  This is the power of God.  This is a neat point, because it reminds us that God does not always follow human logic.  God can conquer death.  God can create out of nothing.  If these two things are true, then it also helps us believe that God would give grace to those who cannot attain it.  God is the God who supersedes logic.  It doesn’t matter if we can understand why God gave us grace and allows us to enter into eternal life through it.  He is a God that goes beyond our understanding.

Is there comfort in knowing that you do not have to understand grace in order to receive it?  Is there comfort in knowing that God is capable of doing things and understanding things that you cannot?  How might these ideas inspire faith?

Passage for Tomorrow: Romans 4:18-21

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