Saturday, October 5, 2013

Titus 1:7-9


For it is necessary as a steward of God for church leaders to be unable to be accused of offense, to not be arrogant, to not be angry, to not be a heavy drinker, to not be violent, to not be shamefully greedy.  But they are hospitable, loving what is good, sensible in behavior, righteous, holy, and self-controlled while holding fast to the faithful teaching of the Word, in order that they are powerful enough to encourage in accurate doctrine and rebuke the ones who speak in opposition.  

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul gives Titus a list of qualities you aren’t looking for in church leaders.  You don’t want people with a history of accusable offenses.  You don’t want arrogant, angry, or violent people.  You don’t want someone who loves alcohol more than God.  You don’t want someone who is greedy.  It isn’t that such people can’t be used by God.  It is that they can’t be used by God while actively pursuing such behavior.  People with such character flaws can be used by God when they humble themselves and resist such behavior.

What reasons can you think of as to why you wouldn’t want a church leader with these character flaws?  Why do you think Paul says that avoiding such behavior is “necessary?”

Second Thought:

Instead, Paul says that the characteristics that are being sought in church leaders are hospitality, loving goodness, well-behaved, righteous, holy, and self-disciplined.  The reason that these characteristics are important is that they all demonstrate submission to God.  Hospitable people are people who are not self-centered.  People who love goodness inherently love God as everything good comes from God.  People who are holy inherently love God.  People who are sensible and well-behaved submit to God’s ways rather than living according to their own impulses.  Church leaders who display these characteristics will inherently display God through them.

What reasons can you think of as to why you would want a church leader with these character attributes?  Why do you think Paul says that such behavior is beneficial?

Third Thought:

The last area that Paul addresses in this section is the reason for wanting quality church leaders.  There is a large reason that church leaders exist: doctrine.  Churches need people who can teach accurate truth.  Churches need people that when there are issues truth can be spoken to address them.  Churches need leaders so that when rival doctrine and worldly thought come into the congregation the source can be refuted and the bringer can be rebuked.

Can the leaders in your church teach sound doctrine?  Do you have confidence in their ability to refute unsound doctrine?  Do you think you can be used by God as a church leader in teaching and refuting?

Passage for Tomorrow: Titus 1:10-11

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