Monday, October 28, 2013

Romans 1:18-20


For the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven upon all manners of living in an ungodly manner and unrighteousness of mankind – the ones who restrain the truth in unrighteousness – because the known things of God are evident in this.  For God has made it evident to them.  For His hidden things that are understood are being perceived clearly from the creation of the world by that which is made.  These things are His eternal power and divine nature, in order that they are unable to justify themselves.

Thoughts for Today

First Thought:

Paul has spoken about how it is that we receive salvation and faith.  Now Paul goes into a fairly lengthy passage about how it is that God looks upon humanity – and we’ll be in it for many days.  The first thing that Paul indicates is that God looks upon those who restrain the truth in unrighteousness.  Let’s face it.  A genuine look upon humanity is not pretty at all.  But it is something that we must do.  We are all fallen.  We have all sinned.  We are all unrighteous.  On some level we all suppress the truth in what we say and how we live.  Every single one of us is guilty.  These are not verses about “us and them.”  These are verses about “us.”

How do you feel when you consider your own sinfulness?  Is it easy or difficult for you to examine your own sin?  How have you lived in such a way as to suppress God’s truth?

Second Thought:

The truth is that we have no excuse.  God – who is invisible to our eyes – has laced our creation with Himself.  We can perceive God all around us.  There is a beauty to creation.  There is a rhythm and logic about creation.  There is order within the chaos.  There is motherly love and community within creation.  I can go on, but I think I have made enough point here.  We may not see Him directly, but we can see Him in that which He has made.

Where do you see God the most brilliantly?  Do you see God in you or the people around you at all?  Even though we cannot see God, is it still possible to know Him and His character?

Third Thought:

God puts His power and His divine character on display in order that we might have no excuse.  At first, this might seem like a difficult or uncompassionate response from God.  But in truth, this fact is incredibly important and immensely compassionate.  Because we have no excuse, we have nowhere to turn except to the grace of God.  Because we have no excuse, we know that salvation can only come through the cross.  Had God left His character hidden, we might think that we can save ourselves or that we can excuse our behavior.  But we have no excuse.  The course ahead is laid out.  There is only one way.  Repent.  Seek forgiveness.  Cling to the cross.  Receive God’s grace.

Have you ever thought of being unquestionably guilty as a blessing?  Do you think there are people out there who believe they can save themselves or earn God’s love?

Passage for Tomorrow: Romans 1:21-23

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